令和の発音から私はやはりLaywaの方がしっくりくるのですが(…この発音をする時私の脳内ではEric Claptonの名曲「Layla」が奏でられてしまいます…)、正式な英語表記はReiwa。この場合 Rei は Ray=光線 を連想させ、私が遭遇した春雷と虹に、新たな時代を祝福するものを感じています。
私は人はそれぞれ役割を持っていきていると思っています。それぞれがそれぞれの役割を果たしながら、互いに調和し、世界 の営みがめぐる。アーユルヴェーダでは、世界をしあわせにしたければまず自分自身をしあわせにしなさいと教えます。令和の時代、慈眼温容でありたいですね。
Hello, it’s Ginger.
It is my first column after we have the new imperial era: Reiwa.
On the day the new gengō has announced, we had unexpected heavy rain with thunders from heaven. It was before sunset in Osaka and I was about to move to the next studio, but I had to wait till the rain and thunder calmed down. After a while, I went out on the street which still had little rain, I saw a rainbow in the sky and it made me feel like the rain was the purification itself.
Because of the phonation of Japanese, to write Laywa sounds better to me (... and my brain plays Layla by Eric Clapton...) , but officially it’s Reiwa. In this case, Rei reminds me of Ray, such as rainbow and sun. So I feel some sort of celebration of the new era in the spring rain and thunder, and the rainbow I saw.
Reiwa means “beautiful harmony”. I think that harmony is to become one with the universe. By accomplishing your mission in this lifetime make it possible.
It is natural that the beginners of the Pilates methods find it difficult. As they take more lessons, they get used to the Pilates movements. And I personally think breathing is the key to achieve it faster. It is my own opinion from my experience, but people who don’t or can’t do breathing properly get less than half of benefits of Pilates methods.
Joseph Pilates said “Lazy breathing converts the lungs, literally and figuratively speaking, into a cemetery for the deposition of diseased, dying and dead germs.” Through the right posture and alignments, breathing can be deepened and core muscles work properly. By continuing Pilates movements regularly, breathing muscles which are necessary for maintaining deep breathing though the series of flowing movements are slowly built up. The benefit we can get by improving lung functions is “the equivalent of an internal shower”. Pilates once said: “As a heavy rainstorm freshens the water of a sluggish or stagnant stream, so does the Pilates method purify the bloodstream.”
Once your breathing has stabilised, a physical rhythm naturally occurs. Then your body moves without any troubles.
There are many spinal movements in Pilates methods. The spine tells the age of the person. “A man is as young as his spinal column.” Pilates made a clear statement. When you move muscles around your spine, your blood circulation becomes better and your body starts to change. Of course, you might feel it’s difficult at the beginning, however, let me borrow Pilates’ words again. “Change happens through movement and movement heals.” As Pilates himself was a sickly child and he went quite a physical and mind journey to acquire health.
However, he was the one who determined it and committed to it.
If you think you want to be better, even though you can’t describe exactly how, I suggest you to use your body and mind fully. Stimulate your mind and senses pleasantly and keep calmness in your heart. Unspoken ugly words resound inside of your mind and keep creating vulgar frequency. And that darken your light.
I believe each of us has a role to play in this lifetime. Everyone plays his or her role and harmonise to each other, then this world functions well. Ayurveda tells us that if you wish to make the world happy, you should start with making yourself happy. In the era of Reiwa, I wish all of us can have tender eyes to others and keep calmness inside.
I’d like to give you one of my favourite Joseph Pilates quotes to finish this column.
“Every moment of our life can be the beginning of great things.”
When you cherish your breathing, your mind calms down, and that naturally makes your movements elegant.
The first year of Reiwa, I hope we can all breath deeper. I’d like to continue dedicating my body and mind to my path.
I wish you a beautiful early summer. Bye till next month.
ワークショップ シリーズ
『たかめていく氣と血のめぐり ~ピラティスとアーユルヴェーダができること~』
全4回 + 特別講座
第一回 秋編 | <終了しました> 日 程2018年9月9日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 本町スタジオ | テーマ:血 血のめぐりと質を高めるアーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
特別講座 冬編 | <終了しました> 日 程2018年11月4日(日) 時 間10:30〜13:30 / 15:30〜18:30 大阪 刻屋 | 特別講座 冬編 テーマ:生命力 女性力を高めるアーユルヴェーダ式食養生とピラティス AyamiとGinger →詳しくはこちら |
第二回 春編 | <終了しました> 日 程2018年12月23日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 本町スタジオ | テーマ:膣粘膜 粘膜を強化して女性力を高めていくアーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
特別講座 春分編 | <終了しました> 日 程2019年2月17日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 大阪スタジオ | 特別講座 春分編 テーマ:睡眠 睡眠の力を知る アーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
特別講座 梅雨編 | <終了しました> 日 程2019年4月29日(月・祝) 時 間10:30〜13:30 / 15:30〜18:30 大阪 刻屋 | 特別講座 梅雨編 テーマ:冷え 女性力を高めるアーユルヴェーダ式食養生とピラティス AyamiとGinger →詳しくはこちら |
第三回 梅雨編 | 日 程2019年5月12日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 本町スタジオ | テーマ:女性ホルモン ホルモンを安定させる冷え取りアーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
第四回 夏編 | 日 程2019年6月9日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 本町スタジオ | テーマ:膣ケア 女性器のケアと向き合う アーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
PROFILE : Ginger(じんじゃ~)
英語でのレッスンや海外講師の通訳、人体経絡図の挿絵、アロマ精油の活用、身体/エネルギー表現撮影など、様々な視点を提案し続けている。 Instagram: @ginger_jinjya
HP: http://junkoginger.blogspot.jp