
*English follows Japanese*


私がハタヨーガの瞑想法を習った際に、先生が『毎日同じ時間、同じ場所に座るように』と仰いました。なんでもそうですが同じ時間と場所でそれを繰り返し行うことによって儀式化され、その場自体にその行為に適した空氣が生まれます。確かに同じ場所に座ることで、数日も経てば瞑想を始める前からその場の氣が整う感覚がありました。場をつくる材料はものだけではなく人の感情もそうなのです。 これまで何度かこのコラムに書いてきましたが、アーユルヴェーダにおける病の原因の1つに『考え、言葉、行動の不一致』があります。
儀式の時だけきちんとしようとしてもぎこちなく、そうそう身体が心と一致するものではありません。大切なのは日々の鍛錬です。祈りとは言葉や思いに意を乗せること、心身一如で一点の迷いもない祈りは強力です。毎日の挨拶や朝の身支度のルーティン等、毎日無意識で行うものほど儀式となっています。慣れた日常動作ほど所作をていねいに行うことでよい氣を発するものです。 周波数についてちらりと前述しましたが、『万物は周波数で出来ている』というアインシュタインの言葉をご存知の方も多いと思います。音だけではなくて人の感情や想い、モノにも固有の振動があります。


Hello, it’s Ginger.
Autumn has many festivals to celebrate huge harvest of five grains and Niinamesai is one of them. This year’s Niinamesai was after the enthronement of the new Emperor of Japan, thus the ritual was called Daijyousai.
This year I joined the annual festival of a shrine I’ve been often receiving assistance from. I was honoured to dedicate a sword and a long stick choreographies to exorcise and purify the space for the festival, and I could re-recognise the meanings of purification and blessing of each form of movements and kotodama.
A ritual has a strong power to rewrite information of mind, body and unconscious. At the ritual, specific forms of a building, sacred tools, costumes, and Norito (Shinto prayer) and incense are used. The frequencies of those sacred implements work on the unconscious of ritual participants. Also the ritual reflects a typical Japanese custom which respect the appropriate Ma or Maai (a sense of associating with both space and timing). I personally believe that taking a good Ma can enhance the power of prayers.
When I was learning meditation methods of Hatha Yoga, my teacher told us to meditate at the same time and place everyday. Whatever you do, by building up daily practices at the same time and place, the place itself would have an appropriate air for whatever you do. Surely I could feel a difference in few days. I felt the place itself was set up for a meditation even before I started the practice. So it’s not only things are the factors to create the space but also our feelings are. I’ve been written this many times in my column before, but in Ayurveda, one of the reasons for illness is discordance of thought, words, and action.
If you wish to change yourself or make your wish come true, I’d recommend you to sort out your space first. It’s of course where you live and work, and also your own body. You body, where you echo your thought and words, is as same as the sacred temple where the ritual is held. This doesn’t mean you should shape your body up like a fitness model, but keep your body healthy. My recommendation is to walk in nature. You can even enjoy walking to a train station or to a supermarket. Without wearing an earphone or sticking your face on a mobile phone, walk as you listening to nature, seeing the colours, and feeling the wind.
It’s tend to become awkward if you are trying to use your body and mind as one just for a ritual. An important thing is a daily practice. Praying for something means putting your will on your words ( * prayer in Japanese is inori. I means will, and nori means putting on), and the prayer came out of united body and mind without any doubt is very strong. Things you can do without any thought such as everyday greetings or a morning routine can be a “ritual”. By doing things you do every day and you have gotten used to with more care, you can change those act filled with good energy or Ki.
I’ve mentioned frequency earlier, and I reckon some of you may already know that ”Everything in life is vibration” said by Albert Einstein. Not even sound but each of our feelings, thoughts and each thing around us has its unique vibration.
We use mantras when we practice yoga, and those mantras and chakra sounds have different frequencies too. By using sound, vibrating specific frequency at the appropriate part of your body, we can purify mind and body to concentrate on now and here. Shito prayers and Buddhism sutras are the same. You may have realised already by now that if you want to chant powerful words properly or if you want to give your words some more power, it’s better to practice breathing method. Breathing is one of the praying tools we feel familiar with the most and easy to brush up. The state of breathing tells you the state of your mind and body.

I feel that by conditioning your body by Pilates and yoga, and you become able to breath deeper and longer with stability, the power of realising your wish will also be improved. It’s maybe because of the body itself will become a purified place for prayers. I personally find it interesting.
I don’t think it can be called Pilates or yoga if it’s done without a good care of breathing. If any of you are still feeling Pilates and yoga are difficult to do, please feel a pure joy of using your body and mind. Even if you couldn’t do it as you wished to do, please laugh it off. As laughing is the greatest exorcise to purify yourself. So laugh out loud!

I wish you all a nice winter. Bye till next column.

Gingerと学ぶAyurveda 『つながるこころ』武術とヨガ哲学〜日常生活への活かし方〜



日  程2019年12月1日(日)
時  間14:45~17:45(3時間)
場  所大阪本町スタジオ


PROFILE : Ginger(じんじゃ~)

  • FTPマットピラティス 指導者
  • アーユルヴェーダ セルフケアアドヴァイザー
  • Physical Mind Institute 認定 Tye4® Mat/Standing 指導者
  • Body Code System認定 Master Stretch® 指導者(Level 1,2,3 + Bungie Tone)
  • BESJ認定 Dancers Movement Program 修了
  • 呼吸法と瞑想法(RYT500)コース 修了
  • ヨーガ哲学(RYT500)コース 修了
  • からだスキャン セルフマッサージ 指導者
  • 漢方・薬膳検定 保有
  • 英国にて衣装デザイナーの仕事をする中で身体表現者たちと関わり心身の不一致/一致への興味を深める。

    Instagram: @ginger_jinjya

    ヨガビオラトリコロール ホームページにてピラティスコラム「Art of Breathing(Ginger’s Pilates, Art, and Breathing for a happy life!)」を新月の日に更新中。