*English follows Japanese*
山道を歩く時に見知らぬ人と交わす挨拶は当たり前のことですが、都会ではなかなかできないものです。例えば大阪駅ですれ違う人たちみんなに挨拶をして歩いていたらかなり大変ですし、間違いなく変わった人かアブナイ人と思われることでしょう。とは言え環境に関わらず、自らの落ち着きがない時は他者への氣配りをする余裕はなくなりがちです。 周りを見れば、不機嫌そうであったり疲れた顔つきの人たちがあふれていると思いませんか?また配慮の足りなさから来るマナーの悪さには悲しくなり、私も街に居ると意に反して辛い顔つきになってしまうことはよくあります。そして残念ながら多くの日本人の姿勢が悪いのは事実です。特に若い女の子たちが飲食店でテーブルに肘をついてだらしない姿勢で携帯電話を片手に食事をしている様子は美しいものではありません。これは、身体の姿勢の問題ではなく、もはや心の姿勢の問題ですね。
私の個人的な意見ですが、本当に美しいものは他者の心身をも美しくします。これは、見た目の造作のことを言っているのではないのです。佇まいや情とでも言いましょうか、その人の積み上げてきた心掛けの作り出す世界観。それは生半可な意識や小手先の器用さ、付け焼き刃の技術などでは到底表現できないのです。厚みのある基盤の上に成り立つ美。いわば生き方そのものですね。魚心あれば水心、他人は自分の鏡と言います。おだやかな顔つきで、姿勢良く落ち着いている人が居るとその場が心地良く引き締まります。 ピラティスは心身の健康の維持を手伝うものですが、実践するのはクライアント自身です。たとえ自分の理想とするペースでセッションに通えなかったとしても、スタジオの外でできることは沢山あります。それは、心の在り方です。
Hello, it’s Ginger.
Autumn is here now. I wonder how are you all lately?
I’ve been to a mountain in Kyoto the other day. Though I couldn’t see tinted leaves yet but it was a fine day and I enjoyed a pleasant wind. As I was walking mindlessly in the mountain, I casually greeted people I met on the way, and I just let myself enjoy the fresh air of the mountain. Then I felt that my fatigue began to be released from deep inside of my body. Sweet scent of the mountain water and its cool texture, and the flowing rivers and wind made me feel calm. However, Nature is too great for the living things, and every now and then it brings us a struggle. I give my deep sympathy for who have been suffering from the damages by the typhoon.
Sending money and doing some volunteer works for support are often done by many people when things like this happens, however, I can’t help wondering if we can spend each day with the same feeling of giving and sharing. When I’m in a mountain, it’s natural to say hi to strangers, but it’s not so easy to do the same in a big city.
For example, if I say hi to every single stranger I see in the Osaka station, it’ll be definitely an energy consuming work and I can’t help letting people see me as a strange or a dangerous person. Anyways, regardless the circumstances, when we can’t keep our calmness, we tend to find it difficult to be generous enough to respect others.
Don’t you agree that there are many people with grumpy or tired faces around us when you look around? And impolite manners caused by a lack of sympathy make me sad. So, against my will, I myself can’t help feeling hard too when I’m in a city. And it’s a sad fact that many Japanese people are having bad postures. Especially it’s ugly to see the young girls slouching as they are eating with their elbows on the table and flicking mobile phones at the same time. This is a matter of the mental posture, not of the physical posture.
A lazy mind is realised as a lazy attitude, and those people who have sloppy postures might say they are not making any troubles by their postures, but it’s actually not so pleasant to see lazy people. This is my personal opinion, but a genuine beauty makes other people’s minds and bodies beautiful. I’m not talking about outside feature, but the atmosphere or the true nature. It’s a sort of the microcosm which have been built up through good attitudes. There is no way we can imitate it by shallow senses and superficial skills or half baked techniques. It’s the beauty based on a concrete foundation. It’s almost the way of living. If a man shows a goodwill towards you, then the other way round. Every man’s neighbour is his looking-glass. Where there is a person with a placid smile and calmness, the whole place becomes pleasant with a bracing air.
The Pilates method helps keeping our healthy minds and bodies, but it’s the client him/herself who does Pilates. Even if you can’t go to lessons on your ideal style, there are many things you can do outside of the Pilates studio.
I would like to write about “7 non-goods Dānas (offerings)” which I’ve already written in my column No.9 (Japanese text only). Even if you don’t have any money, clothes, food, or wisdom to offer and if you can’t get rid of fear of the person, there are still seven things you can offer.
1.Dāna of tender eyes : Giving tender eyes to people or things.
2.Dāna of calm face : Always showing calm face to others.
3.Dāna of kind words : Using thoughtful and kind words and attitude to others. Not getting angry with the person, but scolding with warm consideration.
4.Dāna of labour : Using your body. Happily taking the initiative in doing chores which other people reluctant to do. Being a role model.
5.Dāna of compassion: Being able to think about others and think with them, sympathising with them.
6.Dāna of giving away your position : Offering your seat or position which are a social status or a situation. Being able to give your comfortable position without any regret.
7.Dāna of shelters : Give a place to others where they can avoid rain and wind. Even if you get drenched like you had a meditation under a waterfall, protect others from rain. Being thoughtful and acting so. Whoever can control their minds can control their bodies too. I’m trying to do one of those Dānas as much as possible and I wish this will be some tips to you all too.
After Doyou (weeks of seasonal changing) of autumn, it’ll be Rittou (the first day of winter). I wish you all keep yourself warm enough. Bye till next time.
PROFILE : Ginger(じんじゃ~)FTPマットピラティス 指導者
アーユルヴェーダ セルフケアアドヴァイザー
Physical Mind Institute 認定 Tye4® Mat/Standing 指導者
Body Code System認定 Master Stretch® 指導者(Level 1,2,3 + Bungie Tone)
BESJ認定 Dancers Movement Program 修了
呼吸法と瞑想法(RYT500)コース 修了
ヨーガ哲学(RYT500)コース 修了
からだスキャン セルフマッサージ 指導者
漢方・薬膳検定 保有
Instagram: @ginger_jinjya
ヨガビオラトリコロール ホームページにてピラティスコラム「Art of Breathing(Ginger’s Pilates, Art, and Breathing for a happy life!)」を新月の日に更新中。
山道を歩く時に見知らぬ人と交わす挨拶は当たり前のことですが、都会ではなかなかできないものです。例えば大阪駅ですれ違う人たちみんなに挨拶をして歩いていたらかなり大変ですし、間違いなく変わった人かアブナイ人と思われることでしょう。とは言え環境に関わらず、自らの落ち着きがない時は他者への氣配りをする余裕はなくなりがちです。 周りを見れば、不機嫌そうであったり疲れた顔つきの人たちがあふれていると思いませんか?また配慮の足りなさから来るマナーの悪さには悲しくなり、私も街に居ると意に反して辛い顔つきになってしまうことはよくあります。そして残念ながら多くの日本人の姿勢が悪いのは事実です。特に若い女の子たちが飲食店でテーブルに肘をついてだらしない姿勢で携帯電話を片手に食事をしている様子は美しいものではありません。これは、身体の姿勢の問題ではなく、もはや心の姿勢の問題ですね。
私の個人的な意見ですが、本当に美しいものは他者の心身をも美しくします。これは、見た目の造作のことを言っているのではないのです。佇まいや情とでも言いましょうか、その人の積み上げてきた心掛けの作り出す世界観。それは生半可な意識や小手先の器用さ、付け焼き刃の技術などでは到底表現できないのです。厚みのある基盤の上に成り立つ美。いわば生き方そのものですね。魚心あれば水心、他人は自分の鏡と言います。おだやかな顔つきで、姿勢良く落ち着いている人が居るとその場が心地良く引き締まります。 ピラティスは心身の健康の維持を手伝うものですが、実践するのはクライアント自身です。たとえ自分の理想とするペースでセッションに通えなかったとしても、スタジオの外でできることは沢山あります。それは、心の在り方です。
Hello, it’s Ginger.
Autumn is here now. I wonder how are you all lately?
I’ve been to a mountain in Kyoto the other day. Though I couldn’t see tinted leaves yet but it was a fine day and I enjoyed a pleasant wind. As I was walking mindlessly in the mountain, I casually greeted people I met on the way, and I just let myself enjoy the fresh air of the mountain. Then I felt that my fatigue began to be released from deep inside of my body. Sweet scent of the mountain water and its cool texture, and the flowing rivers and wind made me feel calm. However, Nature is too great for the living things, and every now and then it brings us a struggle. I give my deep sympathy for who have been suffering from the damages by the typhoon.
Sending money and doing some volunteer works for support are often done by many people when things like this happens, however, I can’t help wondering if we can spend each day with the same feeling of giving and sharing. When I’m in a mountain, it’s natural to say hi to strangers, but it’s not so easy to do the same in a big city.
For example, if I say hi to every single stranger I see in the Osaka station, it’ll be definitely an energy consuming work and I can’t help letting people see me as a strange or a dangerous person. Anyways, regardless the circumstances, when we can’t keep our calmness, we tend to find it difficult to be generous enough to respect others.
Don’t you agree that there are many people with grumpy or tired faces around us when you look around? And impolite manners caused by a lack of sympathy make me sad. So, against my will, I myself can’t help feeling hard too when I’m in a city. And it’s a sad fact that many Japanese people are having bad postures. Especially it’s ugly to see the young girls slouching as they are eating with their elbows on the table and flicking mobile phones at the same time. This is a matter of the mental posture, not of the physical posture.
A lazy mind is realised as a lazy attitude, and those people who have sloppy postures might say they are not making any troubles by their postures, but it’s actually not so pleasant to see lazy people. This is my personal opinion, but a genuine beauty makes other people’s minds and bodies beautiful. I’m not talking about outside feature, but the atmosphere or the true nature. It’s a sort of the microcosm which have been built up through good attitudes. There is no way we can imitate it by shallow senses and superficial skills or half baked techniques. It’s the beauty based on a concrete foundation. It’s almost the way of living. If a man shows a goodwill towards you, then the other way round. Every man’s neighbour is his looking-glass. Where there is a person with a placid smile and calmness, the whole place becomes pleasant with a bracing air.
The Pilates method helps keeping our healthy minds and bodies, but it’s the client him/herself who does Pilates. Even if you can’t go to lessons on your ideal style, there are many things you can do outside of the Pilates studio.
I would like to write about “7 non-goods Dānas (offerings)” which I’ve already written in my column No.9 (Japanese text only). Even if you don’t have any money, clothes, food, or wisdom to offer and if you can’t get rid of fear of the person, there are still seven things you can offer.
1.Dāna of tender eyes : Giving tender eyes to people or things.
2.Dāna of calm face : Always showing calm face to others.
3.Dāna of kind words : Using thoughtful and kind words and attitude to others. Not getting angry with the person, but scolding with warm consideration.
4.Dāna of labour : Using your body. Happily taking the initiative in doing chores which other people reluctant to do. Being a role model.
5.Dāna of compassion: Being able to think about others and think with them, sympathising with them.
6.Dāna of giving away your position : Offering your seat or position which are a social status or a situation. Being able to give your comfortable position without any regret.
7.Dāna of shelters : Give a place to others where they can avoid rain and wind. Even if you get drenched like you had a meditation under a waterfall, protect others from rain. Being thoughtful and acting so. Whoever can control their minds can control their bodies too. I’m trying to do one of those Dānas as much as possible and I wish this will be some tips to you all too.
After Doyou (weeks of seasonal changing) of autumn, it’ll be Rittou (the first day of winter). I wish you all keep yourself warm enough. Bye till next time.
Gingerと学ぶAyurveda 『つながるこころ』武術とヨガ哲学〜日常生活への活かし方〜
日 程2019年12月1日(日) 時 間14:45~17:45(3時間) 場 所大阪本町スタジオ | ※実践ワーク例 ・呼吸法 ・リラックスした身体と心の強さ ・間合い ・礼 ・氣息一致 ・ヨーガのアーサナ、ピラティスムーヴメントに活かすには? →詳しくはこちら |
PROFILE : Ginger(じんじゃ~)
Instagram: @ginger_jinjya
ヨガビオラトリコロール ホームページにてピラティスコラム「Art of Breathing(Ginger’s Pilates, Art, and Breathing for a happy life!)」を新月の日に更新中。