
*English follows Japanese*


何を美しい、または快と感じるかは人それぞれですよね。みなさんはどうでしょうか? 私はレッスンの中で「美しく」や「優雅に」という言葉をよく使いますが、私は「美しく」を「汚く」の対義語として用いてはいません。「今の最適」を感じて抗わないことが自然な動きを生み出し、正しく身体を動かすことにつながります。そのような動きは美しいのです。
心と身体の扱い方は、結局ここに集約されるように思います。不要な力みをとって、自在に動かせるようになった心が生む身体の動線は、自ずと型に集約されます。型を繰り返し鍛錬することによってそれが潜在意識の骨格動作を変え、所作に優美さが生まれていくのです。 もし今の自分の心身に過不足があれば、型の体現には時間がかかるかもしれません。しかし不要を手放し必要が補われれば型が自然と取れるようになります。


Hello, it’s Ginger.

I’ve been enjoying watching glossy deep green during the belated rainy season, but we should be having summer sky by the time you are reading this.
During the rainy days, many of my clients were telling me they were suffering from headaches and feeling heaviness on their bodies due to a low pressure. I’m not normally affected by air pressure but this year I felt headaches every now and then. Whenever I feel headaches, I put myself in nature.
I visited Hakone the other day and the beauty of misty rain and watersides made me happy.
While I was walking on the approach to the shrine in a deep milky white mist, I felt a big warm welcome by something great. Suekichi Akaba described the beauty of humidity and the beauty of shadowiness, which are something peculiar to Japan, in his illustrations for a picture book Kasa-Jizo ( Kasa hats for Jizos ) and I agree with his sense of beauty. I find the same aesthetic value in In the Praise of Shadow by Junichiro Tanizaki. Many people say they don’t like rain but I do, and I believe it’s a privilege to have in Japan where blessed with good water.
We find beauty and pleasure in different things. I wonder what are those for you? I tend to use “beautifully” or “gracefully” in my lessons a lot. However, I don’t mean “beautiful” as an antonym of “ugly”. Following “whatever suitable for this moment” creates natural movements and that makes us possible to move our bodies correctly. And those movements are beautiful.
A congenital physical quality and structures, acquired physical abilities, living environments, and mindsets keep changing “what’s suitable for this moment”. But there’s always the universal factor. It is what I always tell my clients at my lessons, “to get rid of unnecessary tensions or strains”. So that our minds and bodies start to become one and breathing air run throughout our bodies, and we can do things we believed we can’t just a second ago. Stable, relaxing, and sustainable, are the basics of yoga asanas, but of course those are the same in Pilates and martial arts. And I believe it’s the common basics in our daily lives and works.
After all, how to handle our minds and bodies comes down to this theory. Free mind without any strain creates flows of physical movements and those becomes kata, a series of forms. By disciplining kata, it renews subconscious skeletal movements and gives beauty and grace to the way we move. If your minds and bodies have too much or too less, it might takes time to learn kata. But once you let go of unnecessaries and acquire necessaries, you can realise kata without any effort.
Things with no-kata is much harder than things with kata because kata can’t hide your true nature any more. It’s very nervous when you can’t mimic anybody or there’s no examples or references. To get over such anxiety is to have your own faith, or to build up the absolute quantity of discipline.
Kata can give you a decent form but not impression. Some people can bring beauty and grace to kata, and why can they do so? Attractiveness and enchantment can’t be hidden and also can’t be made all of sudden. So the daily discipline is essential. We should treat our bodies and minds with care and brush up our senses. When our minds, words, and actions are harmonised as one, it naturally attracts others. To be satisfied with just copying kata, or to sublime it by discipline and sophistication is up to you. What makes enchantment for me is close to loving and protecting all things in this universe. So I believe we need deep sorrow, anger which could almost burn yourself, and devastating solitude. Even under those solitary and trials, if you try to keep grace, it can train your minds. It’s just like forging a sword with fire and strikes, so if you are in the middle of suffering, please face to it sincerely and keep grace and beauty in your spirit. I myself have been trying to do so for many years.
Wish this column can be helpful for you even for a little. May summer blesses you all. Bye till next column.

Gingerと学ぶAyurveda 『かんじるからだ』


日  程2019年9月22日(日)
時  間14:45~17:45(3時間)
場  所大阪本町スタジオ

・体質、メンタルドーシャ、ボディリードーシャ自分の体質はどれだろう?(実践) 等

・アグニとアーマ 消化力と未消化物について
・アーマ蓄積度チェック(実践) 等

・氣をかんじよう 氣 呼吸法(実践) 等

PROFILE : Ginger(じんじゃ~)

  • アーティスト
  • FTPマットピラティス 指導者
  • Physical Mind Institute 認定 Tye4® Mat/Standing 指導者
  • Body Code System認定 Master Stretch® 指導者(Level 1,2,3 + Bungie Tone)
  • BESJ認定 Dancers Movement Program 修了
  • 呼吸法と瞑想法(RYT500)コース 修了
  • からだスキャン セルフマッサージ 指導者
  • アーユルヴェーダ セルフケアアドヴァイザー
  • 漢方・薬膳検定 保有
  • 英国にて衣装デザイン/制作の仕事をする中で身体表現者たちと関わり心身の不一致/一致への興味を深める。
    英語でのレッスンや海外講師の通訳、人体経絡図の挿絵、アロマ精油の活用、身体/エネルギー表現撮影など、様々な視点を提案し続けている。 Instagram: @ginger_jinjya
    HP: http://junkoginger.blogspot.jp