*English follows Japanese*
中でも私が怖いなと思うのは虚ろな表情の人々です。口をぼんやりと空けて顎の下に皺を寄せ、車窓から見える夕日や月の美しさに氣付きもせずに、何かの中毒患者のように携帯電話の上に目と指を滑らせる様は異様です。自分への愛情が足りていないな、休んで欲しいなと切実に思います。携帯電話に生きるリズムを奪われ、自然から遠ざかってしまっているのです。 「電話、自動車、そして経済的圧力が全て一緒になって身体の調子を悪くし、心的ストレスを生み出しており、それらは今日に於いてあまりにもひどく、実際のところ神経を緊張させる苦しみから解放された家は1つとして無い。」
ー ジョセフ・ピラティス『ピラティスのコントロロジーを通じてほんとうの生き方へ還る』(1945年出版)
「コントロロジー(ピラティス メソッド)は身体、心、魂の完全なる調和である。」とピラティス氏は言います。
また逆も然り。アーユルヴェーダは「入れることよりも出すことが大切」としています。心身を病ませるものは入ってくるものよりも出すものだと言います。それは冒頭で述べた『考え、言葉、行動を一致させる』ことにつながります。調和と慈悲、高い志の無い考えは頭に現れることが無いように道具としての心も制御できるように心掛けます。(コラム第9回「心身」参照)ピラティス氏は『身体を形作るのは心のそのものである。』という言葉を遺しています。 心身を自然の営みと調和させて生きることは、自らの健康を作ります。私は健康な心身の状態を保つことは他者への愛情や礼儀であるようにも思います。
Hello, it's Ginger.
So the New Year has been started. I wish you all have spent good holidays. And I suppose many of you have made New Year's resolutions or aims.
In Ayurveda, the important thing is to continuously accumulate tiny acts. You shouldn't pretend, shouldn't force yourself, shouldn't do if you don't feel comfortable with. Those are what my Ayurveda teacher repeatedly reminds us to keep in our minds. Those are the same as "harmonise your thought, words, with acts" and when those three have a discordance, it becomes one of the reasons of a disease.
So let's find an aim which matches to who you are right now and seems possible to continue. Even you set the easiest aim, it's not so easy to continue if your will was superficial. What you do of course is important but if there's no strong will, it's almost impossible to continue it. Continue, no matter what. That's the very start.
I think that Ayurvedic lifestyle not only creates healthy body and mind but also a high aspiration and the elegance as a human. Also, the Pilates methods teach us the fundamentals of our physical movements.
It's based on my intuition and experience but I believe that the pleasant posture and the shininess of the eyes uplift your fortune. When you go out in the town, please try to find someone who has both a good posture and a positive face expression. I assume it's not so easy. The young and the old, men and female, they are almost all have frowns which are suggesting fatigues and unpleasantness, or bewilderment. And they are sort of in a hurry, their bodies and minds are disconnected, and upset. Needless to say, their postures are bad. I myself lose face expressions when I'm thinking about something very hard. It is so rare to find someone who has sparkling ojas around him/her, almost like a phenomenon called beauty.
I especially get fear from people who have vacant eyes. It's unnatural that they slack open their jaws, making some wrinkles under their chins, not noticing the beauty of sunset or the moon outside of the windows, and keep sliding their fingers and eyes on the surfaces of the mobile phones like some sort of addicts. I just get an impression that they all need more love to themselves and wish them to take some rests. Those people have been messed up the rhythm of life, and being isolated from nature.
“Telephones, automobiles, and economic pressure all combine to create physical letdown and mental stress so great that today practically no home is entirely free from sufferers of some form of nervous tension.”
― Joseph H. Pilates, Pilates's Return to Life Through Contrology (1945)
Pilates had warned the rapidly changing lifestyles after the war could ruin people's states of health in both physically and mentally. 1945 is the final year of the Second World War. Japan was at the very bottom of poverty. Now it's 2019, the modern society, our material wealth is beyond comparison with the one of postwar. However, the stress level to our bodies and minds has become complicated and terrible. We have acquired convenience by isolating ourselves from nature, but after all, what is true happiness? I used to work in the field of art. The reason I didn't chose Tokyo but UK, where I was surrounded by both forests and sea, was because nature always inspires me the most. It was my joy to create beautiful things and something excites my heart. It was then I lost balance of body and mind from various reasons. I strongly thought that I can't create something which rock someone's soul with such state of body and mind of myself, and that's the very chance to meet Pilates method.
"Contrology (Pilates method) is complete coordination of body, mind, and spirit." said Pilates. Ayurveda has some certain ways to spend your day from the time you get up in the morning till you sleep in the evening. Daily principles and routines condition our bodies and give us energy, as a result, that naturally conditions our minds. It is as same as by improving your bodies, your minds are improved through Pilates method, which matters breathings the most and counts every single movement.
Vice versa, Ayurveda tells us that it is more important to let it out than taking in. What ruins our bodies and minds are things we letting out than taking in. This leads us to the idea I mentioned at the beginning of this column, "harmonise your thought, words, with acts." The thoughts which have no harmony, love or good will should be controlled not to be brought up in our minds by training our minds which are mere tools. (Refer to Column No.9 *Japanese texts only) Pilates said “It's the mind itself which shapes the body.”
To harmonise our bodies and minds with nature builds up our healths. I personally think that maintaining sound body and mind is also means love or manners to others.
Each of us lives with various traumas and ideas. I believe it's meaningful to learn Ayurveda's philosophy and Pilates's evidence of life as he used to have a weak body. Continuity is the only key for strength. I suggest we all start from enhancing our power of will.
Wish all of your years will be filled with brightness. And wish us uplift our own fortune with the pleasant posture and the shininess of the eyes.
Let's practice Pilates and Ayurveda together this year again.
ワークショップ シリーズ
『たかめていく氣と血のめぐり ~ピラティスとアーユルヴェーダができること~』
全4回 + 特別講座
Ginger & Ayami トークライブ
過去のGinger先生のワークショップ シリーズ『たかめていく氣と血のめぐり ~ピラティスとアーユルヴェーダができること~』と、 『女性力を高めるアーユルヴェーダ式食養生とピラティス』のいずれかにご参加経験者の方と、ご参加を迷っている方に向けたトークライブです。
また既にGinger先生のワークショップ シリーズ『たかめていく氣と血のめぐり ~ピラティスとアーユルヴェーダができること~』にご参加いただいた方には、Ayami先生のお菓子をお土産としてプレゼントさせていただきます。
PROFILE : Ginger(じんじゃ~)フリーランス アーティスト
FTPマットピラティス 指導者
からだスキャン セルフマッサージ 指導者
Physical Mind Institute 認定 Tye4® Mat/Standing 指導者
Body Code System認定 Master Stretch® 指導者
アーユルヴェーダ セルフケアアドヴァイザー
漢方・薬膳検定 保有
Instagram: @ginger_jinjya
HP: http://junkoginger.blogspot.jp
中でも私が怖いなと思うのは虚ろな表情の人々です。口をぼんやりと空けて顎の下に皺を寄せ、車窓から見える夕日や月の美しさに氣付きもせずに、何かの中毒患者のように携帯電話の上に目と指を滑らせる様は異様です。自分への愛情が足りていないな、休んで欲しいなと切実に思います。携帯電話に生きるリズムを奪われ、自然から遠ざかってしまっているのです。 「電話、自動車、そして経済的圧力が全て一緒になって身体の調子を悪くし、心的ストレスを生み出しており、それらは今日に於いてあまりにもひどく、実際のところ神経を緊張させる苦しみから解放された家は1つとして無い。」
ー ジョセフ・ピラティス『ピラティスのコントロロジーを通じてほんとうの生き方へ還る』(1945年出版)
「コントロロジー(ピラティス メソッド)は身体、心、魂の完全なる調和である。」とピラティス氏は言います。
また逆も然り。アーユルヴェーダは「入れることよりも出すことが大切」としています。心身を病ませるものは入ってくるものよりも出すものだと言います。それは冒頭で述べた『考え、言葉、行動を一致させる』ことにつながります。調和と慈悲、高い志の無い考えは頭に現れることが無いように道具としての心も制御できるように心掛けます。(コラム第9回「心身」参照)ピラティス氏は『身体を形作るのは心のそのものである。』という言葉を遺しています。 心身を自然の営みと調和させて生きることは、自らの健康を作ります。私は健康な心身の状態を保つことは他者への愛情や礼儀であるようにも思います。
Hello, it's Ginger.
So the New Year has been started. I wish you all have spent good holidays. And I suppose many of you have made New Year's resolutions or aims.
In Ayurveda, the important thing is to continuously accumulate tiny acts. You shouldn't pretend, shouldn't force yourself, shouldn't do if you don't feel comfortable with. Those are what my Ayurveda teacher repeatedly reminds us to keep in our minds. Those are the same as "harmonise your thought, words, with acts" and when those three have a discordance, it becomes one of the reasons of a disease.
So let's find an aim which matches to who you are right now and seems possible to continue. Even you set the easiest aim, it's not so easy to continue if your will was superficial. What you do of course is important but if there's no strong will, it's almost impossible to continue it. Continue, no matter what. That's the very start.
I think that Ayurvedic lifestyle not only creates healthy body and mind but also a high aspiration and the elegance as a human. Also, the Pilates methods teach us the fundamentals of our physical movements.
It's based on my intuition and experience but I believe that the pleasant posture and the shininess of the eyes uplift your fortune. When you go out in the town, please try to find someone who has both a good posture and a positive face expression. I assume it's not so easy. The young and the old, men and female, they are almost all have frowns which are suggesting fatigues and unpleasantness, or bewilderment. And they are sort of in a hurry, their bodies and minds are disconnected, and upset. Needless to say, their postures are bad. I myself lose face expressions when I'm thinking about something very hard. It is so rare to find someone who has sparkling ojas around him/her, almost like a phenomenon called beauty.
I especially get fear from people who have vacant eyes. It's unnatural that they slack open their jaws, making some wrinkles under their chins, not noticing the beauty of sunset or the moon outside of the windows, and keep sliding their fingers and eyes on the surfaces of the mobile phones like some sort of addicts. I just get an impression that they all need more love to themselves and wish them to take some rests. Those people have been messed up the rhythm of life, and being isolated from nature.
“Telephones, automobiles, and economic pressure all combine to create physical letdown and mental stress so great that today practically no home is entirely free from sufferers of some form of nervous tension.”
― Joseph H. Pilates, Pilates's Return to Life Through Contrology (1945)
Pilates had warned the rapidly changing lifestyles after the war could ruin people's states of health in both physically and mentally. 1945 is the final year of the Second World War. Japan was at the very bottom of poverty. Now it's 2019, the modern society, our material wealth is beyond comparison with the one of postwar. However, the stress level to our bodies and minds has become complicated and terrible. We have acquired convenience by isolating ourselves from nature, but after all, what is true happiness? I used to work in the field of art. The reason I didn't chose Tokyo but UK, where I was surrounded by both forests and sea, was because nature always inspires me the most. It was my joy to create beautiful things and something excites my heart. It was then I lost balance of body and mind from various reasons. I strongly thought that I can't create something which rock someone's soul with such state of body and mind of myself, and that's the very chance to meet Pilates method.
"Contrology (Pilates method) is complete coordination of body, mind, and spirit." said Pilates. Ayurveda has some certain ways to spend your day from the time you get up in the morning till you sleep in the evening. Daily principles and routines condition our bodies and give us energy, as a result, that naturally conditions our minds. It is as same as by improving your bodies, your minds are improved through Pilates method, which matters breathings the most and counts every single movement.
Vice versa, Ayurveda tells us that it is more important to let it out than taking in. What ruins our bodies and minds are things we letting out than taking in. This leads us to the idea I mentioned at the beginning of this column, "harmonise your thought, words, with acts." The thoughts which have no harmony, love or good will should be controlled not to be brought up in our minds by training our minds which are mere tools. (Refer to Column No.9 *Japanese texts only) Pilates said “It's the mind itself which shapes the body.”
To harmonise our bodies and minds with nature builds up our healths. I personally think that maintaining sound body and mind is also means love or manners to others.
Each of us lives with various traumas and ideas. I believe it's meaningful to learn Ayurveda's philosophy and Pilates's evidence of life as he used to have a weak body. Continuity is the only key for strength. I suggest we all start from enhancing our power of will.
Wish all of your years will be filled with brightness. And wish us uplift our own fortune with the pleasant posture and the shininess of the eyes.
Let's practice Pilates and Ayurveda together this year again.
ワークショップ シリーズ
『たかめていく氣と血のめぐり ~ピラティスとアーユルヴェーダができること~』
全4回 + 特別講座
第一回 秋編 | <終了しました> 日 程2018年9月9日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 本町スタジオ | テーマ:血 血のめぐりと質を高めるアーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
特別講座 冬編 | <終了しました> 日 程2018年11月4日(日) 時 間10:30〜13:30 / 15:30〜18:30 大阪 刻屋 | 特別講座 冬編 テーマ:生命力 女性力を高めるアーユルヴェーダ式食養生とピラティス AyamiとGinger →詳しくはこちら |
第二回 春編 | <終了しました> 日 程2018年12月23日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 本町スタジオ | テーマ:膣粘膜 粘膜を強化して女性力を高めていくアーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
特別講座 春分編 | 日 程2019年2月17日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 大阪スタジオ | 特別講座 春分編 テーマ:睡眠 睡眠の力を知る アーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
特別講座 梅雨編 | 日 程2019年4月29日(月・祝) 時 間10:30〜13:30 / 15:30〜18:30 大阪 刻屋 | 特別講座 梅雨編 テーマ:冷え 女性力を高めるアーユルヴェーダ式食養生とピラティス AyamiとGinger →詳しくはこちら |
第三回 梅雨編 | 日 程2019年5月12日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 本町スタジオ | テーマ:女性ホルモン ホルモンを安定させる冷え取りアーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
第四回 夏編 | 日 程2018年6月9日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 本町スタジオ | テーマ:膣ケア 女性器のケアと向き合う アーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
Ginger & Ayami トークライブ
過去のGinger先生のワークショップ シリーズ『たかめていく氣と血のめぐり ~ピラティスとアーユルヴェーダができること~』と、 『女性力を高めるアーユルヴェーダ式食養生とピラティス』のいずれかにご参加経験者の方と、ご参加を迷っている方に向けたトークライブです。
また既にGinger先生のワークショップ シリーズ『たかめていく氣と血のめぐり ~ピラティスとアーユルヴェーダができること~』にご参加いただいた方には、Ayami先生のお菓子をお土産としてプレゼントさせていただきます。
トークライブ | 日 程2019年2月11日(月・祝) 時 間10:30〜13:30 ヴィオラスクール大阪本町 | 女性力を高めるために私達がしていること AyamiとGinger →詳しくはこちら |
PROFILE : Ginger(じんじゃ~)
Instagram: @ginger_jinjya
HP: http://junkoginger.blogspot.jp