
*English follows Japanese*



アーユルヴェーダの体質論を知ることによって私は体調管理がとても行いやすくなりました。先日のアーユルヴェーダのワークショップでは参加者のみなさまにも体質分析に挑戦してもらいました。体質を知ることで自分を客観的に見る訓練ができることと、他者の体質を尊重できると知ってもらうことが狙いでした。自他の分析は自分自身を知ることの第一歩だと思います。 アーユルヴェーダにおいては大宇宙と個人(小宇宙)は同じもので構成されていると考えるため、大宇宙の摂理に従って生きることは健康の要と考えます。自分自身でもある大宇宙、自然を慈しむことは個人の健康を作ることと同じでしょう。無意識よりももっと深いレベルで私たちは万物と根を同じにしています。アーユルヴェーダでは意識が心をつくり、心が身体をつくります。私たちは心身をあれこれと操作して自分を良くしたいと奮闘をしますが、本当は魂が絶対的な幸福を知っているので、それを思い出すだけで良いのです。

私が出来ることは、私の経験知識から少しでもこの方々の健康に貢献をすることです。そうすることで私も幸せになり、また生きることに真摯に向き合えます。 私がピラティスの指導を始めてからもうすぐ6年半になります。まさか自分が指導をすることになるとは想像もできなかったピラティスに出会う前の私は、満たされない心身をまるで重荷を引きずるかのようにして生きていました。今は未熟ながらも自分の指導がたった一人の人の魂を揺さぶれたならば、そしてそれを積み重ねることができたのならば、それは無意味ではないと思い、毎回祈るような氣持ちで指導をさせていただいています。

Hi, it’s Ginger.

Air has become much cooler and autumn wind is pleasant lately. I wonder how you all have been?
The harvest moon of this month was cloudy, but the moon is in the sky even if we can’t see it. I made baked savoury dumplings with taros, and dedicated them with susuki, Japanese pampas grass, as humble offerings to show my gratitude to the moon and earth.
The following evening was fine and I could see the full moon well. There was a piece of pumpkin in my kitchen, so I made dumplings again with it as offerings. It was a coincidence, but I found it interesting that I offered white dumplings on the cloudy night and golden dumplings on the shiny moon night. Spending each day along with subtle seasonal changes and feel blessings of nature is a pure joy to me. Ayurveda says that the moon has a cooling nature and calms down Pitta dosha which tends to aggravate itself in early autumn, I recommend moon gazing for this season. Also, sweetness of sweet dumplings for moon gazing calms down Pitta. I normally have a high body temperature and my job easily makes Pitta and Vata dosha increase, but I feel calm when I look at the moon and I try taking sweet taste as much as I can to condition my mind and body. By learning Ayurveda’s dosha balance theory, it became much easier for me to keep my wellness. At my Ayurveda workshop the other day, I asked the participants to try analyse their dosha balances. And by that I wanted them to learn they can train to have objective views on themselves and also can respect other people’s dosha balances. I suppose that analysis of oneself and others is one of the first steps to know oneself.
Ayurveda tells that macrocosm and each of ourselves (microcosm) are consist of the same elements, so living our lives as following the theory of macrocosm is the key for good health. Cherishing macrocosm or nature, that is, ourselves is no different from taking care of our own health. At the deeper level of unconscious, we share the root of ourselves with everything. Ayurveda says consciousness makes the mind and the mind realizes the body. We tend to struggle with manipulating our minds and bodies for better selves, but our souls know the absolute happiness, so all we need to do is just remember it.
I’ve learnt that my mind can be negative or aggressive by the state of my poor bodily health condition, and by practicing Pilates and acquiring bodily health, my mind can be positive and even my usage of vocabulary and carriage can become calm and controlled. And Ayurveda and yoga philosophy proved me that usage of my mind can make my body either good or bad condition. Both mental and physical fitness made me much happier than who I was ten years ago. However, health is not an object of my life. Health is a tool to spend my life happier.
I’m helping others to maintain or increase their health as a job. The young and the old, male and female come to the studio for different purposes. I’ve introduced the word “the architects of their own happiness” by J.H.Pilates on my previous column No.30, and I really think that this word describes what my clients and I do.
What I can do is to dedicate myself to my clients’ health by using my experience and knowledge as much as I can. Doing so makes me happy and I can live more sincerely.
It’s been almost 6 years since I’ve started to teach Pilates. Before I met the Pilates method, I could never imagine myself teaching Pilates like this in future as I was living as if I was dragging my unsatisfied mind and body like burdens. Now I think that if I can rock only one person’s soul, and if I can keep doing so, my job is not meaningless. So I’ve been teaching Pilates as if I’ve been praying.
This year’s my aspiration was “Make it a year of giving”. As if exhalation naturally brings inhalation, by giving I’ll be given. Just like the moon waxing and waning, I’d like to keep improving myself. Heaven and earth have been with me and so on till the end.
Bye till next column.

Gingerと学ぶAyurveda 『つながるこころ』武術とヨガ哲学〜日常生活への活かし方〜



日  程2019年12月1日(日)
時  間14:45~17:45(3時間)
場  所大阪本町スタジオ


PROFILE : Ginger(じんじゃ~)

  • FTPマットピラティス 指導者
  • アーユルヴェーダ セルフケアアドヴァイザー
  • Physical Mind Institute 認定 Tye4® Mat/Standing 指導者
  • Body Code System認定 Master Stretch® 指導者(Level 1,2,3 + Bungie Tone)
  • BESJ認定 Dancers Movement Program 修了
  • 呼吸法と瞑想法(RYT500)コース 修了
  • ヨーガ哲学(RYT500)コース 修了
  • からだスキャン セルフマッサージ 指導者
  • 漢方・薬膳検定 保有
  • 英国にて衣装デザイナーの仕事をする中で身体表現者たちと関わり心身の不一致/一致への興味を深める。

    Instagram: @ginger_jinjya

    ヨガビオラトリコロール ホームページにてピラティスコラム「Art of Breathing(Ginger’s Pilates, Art, and Breathing for a happy life!)」を新月の日に更新中。