*English follows Japanese*
私は必ずしも筋骨逞ましい身体だけを見てその人が健康だとは思いませんし、明るい振る舞いだけを見てその人が健康だとも思いません。見た目や印象はその人の一面でしかありません。いつも華やかで辛いことなど何も無さそうな人に限って心の中に深い孤独を抱えていたり、不自由な境遇にあってもしたたかな人もいるのです。質素に暮らし孤独でも心が満ち足りている人もいます。 ピラティス氏が病氣がちな幼少期を過ごしたことは有名です。今や世界中で人氣を得たピラティス・メソッドを作り上げたのは彼の並ならぬ健康な心身を追求する情熱だったのでしょう。ピラティス氏は幸せのためにはまず『健康であること』を挙げ、健康の維持は義務であるとも言いました。
ー ジョセフ・H・ピラティス『ユア・ヘルス』1945年(翻訳:川名昌代 2009年)
ー ジョセフ・H・ピラティス『リターン・トゥ・ライフ・スルー・コントロロジー』1945年(翻訳:川名昌代 2009年)
そしてあなたが健康であるということは、他人を幸せにすることでもあります。これについてはまた次回、書いてみようと思います。 それではみなさま良い春を。
Hello, it’s Ginger.
In my previous column, I wrote about both mind and body make health. Being healthy doesn't only mean good-in-shape body, but also good-in-shape mind.
Physical movements such as Yoga and Pilates are performed through breathing as a moving force.
Breathing is not a mere training of muscles and organs, but it’s completed with a calm state of mind. The movements you are not good at or challenging to perform would train your body and at the same time, train your mind. If you release your attachment or ego and focus on what you can do right this moment, you can continue breathing calmly and steadily. That’s a moment you feel very comfortable and being filled with happiness. (And maintaining that feeling even outside of the studio is the true practice, but I’ll write about this some other times.) Comparing yourself to others doesn’t make you healthy. The key point is to know your nature and how to maintain a good state of it. Since I’ve met Ayurveda and Yoga philosophy, I’ve been learning my natures of body and mind, and how to keep them calm, my life has become much easier than before.
We are all living in communities with others and sometimes you might have a time you don’t know what you really want as you overly respect others. The important thing is that you are always true to yourself and be able to find a tiny happiness everyday.
I personally don’t think a person is healthy just because of his/her muscular body, and I don’t think a person is healthy just because he/she behaves cheerfully. The look of a person or an impression is only one side of the person’s personas. A person who always look glamorous and carefree tends to have a deep loneliness inside, or a person who is in a struggle tends to be quite tough. And even in a simple life and being alone, a person can have a fulfilled mind.
It’s famous that Pilates himself had a sickly childhood. It must had been his unordinary passion to pursue healthy mind and body that built up the method which became popular in all over the world. Pilates said “Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness”. And also he said it’s our duty to maintain health.
“Not only is health a normal condition, but it is our duty to not only to attain it but to maintain it.” — Joseph. H. Pilates, Your Health, 1945.
Also, Pilates appealed importance of acquiring a mental calmness.
“The acquirement and enjoyment of physical well-being, mental calm and spiritual peace are priceless to their possessors. ... Through the Pilates Method of Body Conditioning this unique trinity of a balanced body, mind and spirit can ever be attained. Self-confidence follows.”— Joseph. H. Pilates, Return To Life Through Contrology, 1945.
I believe many of you had started Pilates or Yoga to improve your physical conditions, but before you noticed, you had become continuing practices for your mind. Health is a method to achieve your goal in your life, but it’s not a goal itself. Both your mind and body are your belongings. How to condition them and use them are only up to you. No one can do it for you.
Being healthy can also means you can make others happy. I’d like to write about this in my next column.
Have a pleasant spring everyone.
PROFILE : Ginger(じんじゃ~)FTPマットピラティス 指導者
アーユルヴェーダ セルフケアアドヴァイザー
Physical Mind Institute 認定 Tye4® Mat/Standing 指導者
Body Code System認定 Master Stretch® 指導者(Level 1,2,3 + Bungie Tone)
BESJ認定 Dancers Movement Program 修了
呼吸法と瞑想法(RYT500)コース 修了
ヨーガ哲学(RYT500)コース 修了
からだスキャン セルフマッサージ 指導者
漢方・薬膳検定 保有
Instagram: @ginger_jinjya
ヨガビオラトリコロール ホームページにてピラティスコラム「Art of Breathing(Ginger’s Pilates, Art, and Breathing for a happy life!)」を新月の日に更新中。
私は必ずしも筋骨逞ましい身体だけを見てその人が健康だとは思いませんし、明るい振る舞いだけを見てその人が健康だとも思いません。見た目や印象はその人の一面でしかありません。いつも華やかで辛いことなど何も無さそうな人に限って心の中に深い孤独を抱えていたり、不自由な境遇にあってもしたたかな人もいるのです。質素に暮らし孤独でも心が満ち足りている人もいます。 ピラティス氏が病氣がちな幼少期を過ごしたことは有名です。今や世界中で人氣を得たピラティス・メソッドを作り上げたのは彼の並ならぬ健康な心身を追求する情熱だったのでしょう。ピラティス氏は幸せのためにはまず『健康であること』を挙げ、健康の維持は義務であるとも言いました。
ー ジョセフ・H・ピラティス『ユア・ヘルス』1945年(翻訳:川名昌代 2009年)
ー ジョセフ・H・ピラティス『リターン・トゥ・ライフ・スルー・コントロロジー』1945年(翻訳:川名昌代 2009年)
そしてあなたが健康であるということは、他人を幸せにすることでもあります。これについてはまた次回、書いてみようと思います。 それではみなさま良い春を。
Hello, it’s Ginger.
In my previous column, I wrote about both mind and body make health. Being healthy doesn't only mean good-in-shape body, but also good-in-shape mind.
Physical movements such as Yoga and Pilates are performed through breathing as a moving force.
Breathing is not a mere training of muscles and organs, but it’s completed with a calm state of mind. The movements you are not good at or challenging to perform would train your body and at the same time, train your mind. If you release your attachment or ego and focus on what you can do right this moment, you can continue breathing calmly and steadily. That’s a moment you feel very comfortable and being filled with happiness. (And maintaining that feeling even outside of the studio is the true practice, but I’ll write about this some other times.) Comparing yourself to others doesn’t make you healthy. The key point is to know your nature and how to maintain a good state of it. Since I’ve met Ayurveda and Yoga philosophy, I’ve been learning my natures of body and mind, and how to keep them calm, my life has become much easier than before.
We are all living in communities with others and sometimes you might have a time you don’t know what you really want as you overly respect others. The important thing is that you are always true to yourself and be able to find a tiny happiness everyday.
I personally don’t think a person is healthy just because of his/her muscular body, and I don’t think a person is healthy just because he/she behaves cheerfully. The look of a person or an impression is only one side of the person’s personas. A person who always look glamorous and carefree tends to have a deep loneliness inside, or a person who is in a struggle tends to be quite tough. And even in a simple life and being alone, a person can have a fulfilled mind.
It’s famous that Pilates himself had a sickly childhood. It must had been his unordinary passion to pursue healthy mind and body that built up the method which became popular in all over the world. Pilates said “Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness”. And also he said it’s our duty to maintain health.
“Not only is health a normal condition, but it is our duty to not only to attain it but to maintain it.” — Joseph. H. Pilates, Your Health, 1945.
Also, Pilates appealed importance of acquiring a mental calmness.
“The acquirement and enjoyment of physical well-being, mental calm and spiritual peace are priceless to their possessors. ... Through the Pilates Method of Body Conditioning this unique trinity of a balanced body, mind and spirit can ever be attained. Self-confidence follows.”— Joseph. H. Pilates, Return To Life Through Contrology, 1945.
I believe many of you had started Pilates or Yoga to improve your physical conditions, but before you noticed, you had become continuing practices for your mind. Health is a method to achieve your goal in your life, but it’s not a goal itself. Both your mind and body are your belongings. How to condition them and use them are only up to you. No one can do it for you.
Being healthy can also means you can make others happy. I’d like to write about this in my next column.
Have a pleasant spring everyone.
PROFILE : Ginger(じんじゃ~)
Instagram: @ginger_jinjya
ヨガビオラトリコロール ホームページにてピラティスコラム「Art of Breathing(Ginger’s Pilates, Art, and Breathing for a happy life!)」を新月の日に更新中。