
*English follows Japanese*




アーユルヴェーダの実践は、たくさんのことをしようと背伸びをするよりも自分にあったことを一つ二つ継続することが大切です。 image7 アーユルヴェーダに出会えたことでインド哲学とも出会い、私は心のケアを学ぶ機会も得ました。はじめはバガバットギーターをちまちまと読み進めながら手探りの状態でしたが、今となってはサンスクリット語に馴染み、インド哲学の本を読むことがよろこびです。

これからもみなさまによいワークショップやレッスンをお届けできるよう、日々の研鑽を続けてまいりますのでどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 image4 今回の新月は皆既日蝕の新月(日本では観測できませんが)です。蝕の日は具現化の力が強いと言います。みなさまの新たなスタートに祝福を。『願いは叶う』のです。心を前向きに使い続けてさえいれば…。

Hello, it’s Ginger.

“Everyone is the architect of their own happiness.” Thus said by J.H.Pilates. From my own experience, I personally agree with the idea that you can’t gain your health by just spending each day idly.
By being self motivated and using certain words or making an action intentionally, you can accelerate the speed of growth as a human to be able to fulfil the mission of your life.

Last month I finished my Ayurveda workshop series held for 2 years without any problems. When I was offered to do a serial workshops themed on physical health of female from the studio two and half years ago, I was happy. By being sponsored by a big studio like Yoga Viola Tricolor, I was given opportunities to introduce Ayurveda and the deep wisdom of Indian philosophy to larger audience as I had been doing mini Ayurveda workshops by myself for years. image2 Since after I've learnt Ayurveda, I personally feel much easier to do my own healthcare. By knowing my unique physical and mental types, I can figure out what I need the most at each occasion. Stomatitises which tormented me for years have been healed so quickly that I almost forgot that I once had hard times by terrible stomatitises.
In Ayurveda's philosophy, everything can be medicine. Whatever it is, as long as it's given with a suitable quantity in the appropriate timing, it becomes medicine. The wisdom of Ayurveda can turn toxic mercury into pills. On my kitchen shelf, there are "medicine" which can condition my digestive power and a little bad condition. Rock salt and sea salt, few different kinds of oil, various spices and herbs... These are all useful for my daily diet, skincare, and oral health care.
To practice Ayurveda, it's important not to force yourself too much but find one or two suitable things to you and continue practicing them everyday. image6 By meeting Ayurveda, I could also meet Indian philosophy and that gave me a chance to learn how to take care of my mind. At the beginning, I was reading the Bhagavad Gita, Śrīmadbhagavadgītā, few lines at a time, very slowly, taking time to understand it, but now I've become familiar with Sanskrit more and reading the Indian philosophy books is a joy for me.
Your health is maintained by having both body and mind work as a pair of wheels rotating simultaneously. You can't keep going forward if one of the wheels isn't working properly. Your mind condition is realized as your body condition, so you need to train your mind as well as your body. I've already written this in the beginning of this column, but being active in both physically and mentally is the key to improve the quality of yourself.
Breathing method, Pilates, yoga meditation, okeiko of Ki, daily diet, danshyari, love someone, love nature, and daily prayers... those are things I repeat heartily everyday as much as possible, by wishing my way of living itself would have benevolence and beauty one day.

My students were kind enough to ask me if the workshop series would have the third round or not. I'm very happy to be asked so but I'd like to provide Ayurveda and Indian philosophy workshops in another form in future.
So please look forward to them.
I'd like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to Ms. Komori for giving me the chance to do such a big workshops, Ms. Hiresaki for web and flyer design, office staffs and receptionists of each studios for publicity, and reporters. I also would like to thank Ayami who was in charge of spice cooking for Japanese at my workshops. She was also being strongly supportive when I was making the thick handouts for each workshop. Thank you all, I couldn't complete my works without all of you.
Lastly, I'd like to thank all of you who joined my workshops for the last two years. Those two years were filled with love. The opinion letters you gave me after each workshop were kept in a thick file and keep giving me a huge courage. It was also a great pleasure for me to know each of your progresses by seeing your handwritings.
I'll keep devoting myself to my path even more to be able to provide better workshops and lessons to you all. image3 This month's new moon is a total solar eclipse moon though we can't see it from Japan. On the day of eclipse, the power of realization becomes strong. I wish you all good starts of new things. Wishes come true, as long as you keep being positive.
Bye till next month.

PROFILE : Ginger(じんじゃ~)

  • アーティスト
  • FTPマットピラティス 指導者
  • Physical Mind Institute 認定 Tye4® Mat/Standing 指導者
  • Body Code System認定 Master Stretch® 指導者(Level 1,2,3 + Bungie Tone)
  • BESJ認定 Dancers Movement Program 修了
  • 呼吸法と瞑想法(RYT500)コース 修了
  • からだスキャン セルフマッサージ 指導者
  • アーユルヴェーダ セルフケアアドヴァイザー
  • 漢方・薬膳検定 保有
  • 英国にて衣装デザイン/制作の仕事をする中で身体表現者たちと関わり心身の不一致/一致への興味を深める。
    英語でのレッスンや海外講師の通訳、人体経絡図の挿絵、アロマ精油の活用、身体/エネルギー表現撮影など、様々な視点を提案し続けている。 Instagram: @ginger_jinjya
    HP: http://junkoginger.blogspot.jp