ピラティスムーヴメントや呼吸法の正しい継続によって、無駄な力みが取れて必要な機能は向上します。身体の中心軸を捉える感覚を鍛えることで、骨や内臓の位置が正常になり、呼吸がより深くなり、自律神経やホルモン分泌が安定し、代謝が向上します。 心身が楽になることによって日常生活の質が上がれば、他人が決めた指標によって無用に傷ついたり、心の健やかさ、魂の賢さをないがしろにしなくなるのではないでしょうか。心身の軸を安定させることは、自信につながり、可視化や数値化のできない変化を自覚する助けとなります。
I hope you've been enjoying autumn.
It's Ginger.
Since after Rittou, the first day of winter, the air has been crisp and makes my heart jolly. The Moon viewing day of September was raining. But in October, I could enjoy the Moon viewing and also Jyūsanya, the 13th moon, before full moon.
It's November already but according to the Japanese lunar calendar, it's the tenth month and it's called Kannazuki, the month deities are out. But in Izumo, it's called Kamiarizuki, the month deities are in. While the deities are visiting Izumo, they discuss our en, a relation, and enmusubi, to tie a knot with a good work, learnings for life and of course a partner, a match-making. One relationship sometimes change something dramatically, however, I see many students and studio members who set "change" itself the purpose and keep being tossed about by other people's senses of values, and can't figure out what they need to do by themselves. Interestingly enough, most of this type of people are scared of "demolition" process before "creation" and peacefully keep themselves in the state of "maintenance". To have an aspiration or an aim can be our motive force, but the aim is only a waypoint or a shunt. By making the most of given chances, we'd like to grow up as individuals. To start the journey, having a faith is vital. And the faith can be found when we know ourselves. However, to know ourselves is not so easy, so I recommend people to know our bodies first through Pilates.
To try not to lose our faiths by being constrained by things, even our bodies and minds, and theories which are mare tools and purposes, we should keep our Rokkon well-honed. "You" are not your body or mind but pure being. Ātman in Hindu philosophy, and the idea of Rokkon Shyoujyou in Shitoism ( cf. columm No.16 *Japanese text only) , those philosophies are teaching us that we are perfect as we are and our five senses and minds are primarily pure. Say this in a Pilates way, our cores of bodies and minds are stable. Keeping our Rokkon pure can also be said we are accepting.
When I'm feeling my body and mind are not one, I can't perform with confident. When I’m too sleepy, starving myself, or exhausted, it is not easy to sense something through my five senses.
By continuing Pilates movements and breathing method correctly, my unnecessary tensions are removed and necessary functions are improved. By training my sense of core, positions of bones and internal organs are fixed, breathing becomes deeper, autonomic nerves and hormone secretions become stable, and my metabolism is increased. Keeping both body and mind relaxed improves our qualities of lives. Thus I assume that we won't unnecessarily get hurt by other people's measures or neglect health of our own minds and wiseness of our souls. To stabilise the core of our bodies and minds gives us a confidence and that makes us aware of our changes which we can't visualise or quantify.
I often warn myself against using too much of my head and less on heart. Keeping such crafty scheme brings some discord between body and mind, and prevent us from making the most of individual abilities and make us live on other people's sense of values.
This year's Ayurveda Day set by the Ministry of AYUSH was 5th of November. A definition of Heath by The Sushruta Samhita (15:48) is the harmony of Body, Mind, and Spirit and it places importance on Quality of Life. ( cf. columm No.7 *Japanese text only)
Since around 5000 years ago, the beginning of the history of Ayurveda, till now, we've become sick by discordance of body and mind. I'm wishing that all of us are going to be able to retrieve the sense of oneness through Pilates and Ayurveda, and enjoy various en given from heaven and earth to make our breath even more beautiful.
Farewell till next time.
ワークショップ シリーズ
『たかめていく氣と血のめぐり ~ピラティスとアーユルヴェーダができること~』
全4回 + 特別講座
第一回 秋編 | <終了しました> 日 程2018年9月9日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 本町スタジオ | テーマ:血 血のめぐりと質を高めるアーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
特別講座 冬編 | <終了しました> 日 程2018年11月4日(日) 時 間10:30〜13:30 / 15:30〜18:30 大阪 刻屋 | 特別講座 冬編 テーマ:生命力 女性力を高めるアーユルヴェーダ式食養生とピラティス AyamiとGinger →詳しくはこちら |
第二回 春編 | 日 程2018年12月23日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 本町スタジオ | テーマ:膣粘膜 粘膜を強化して女性力を高めていくアーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
特別講座 春分編 | 日 程2019年2月17日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 大阪スタジオ | 特別講座 春分編 テーマ:睡眠 睡眠の力を知る アーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
特別講座 梅雨編 | 日 程2019年4月29日(月・祝) 時 間10:30〜13:30 / 15:30〜18:30 大阪 刻屋 | 特別講座 梅雨編 テーマ:冷え 女性力を高めるアーユルヴェーダ式食養生とピラティス AyamiとGinger →詳しくはこちら |
第三回 梅雨編 | 日 程2019年5月12日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 本町スタジオ | テーマ:女性ホルモン ホルモンを安定させる冷え取りアーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
第四回 夏編 | 日 程2018年6月9日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 本町スタジオ | テーマ:膣ケア 女性器のケアと向き合う アーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
PROFILE : Ginger(じんじゃ~)
Instagram: @ginger_jinjya
HP: http://junkoginger.blogspot.jp