
*English follows Japanese*


私は人間は何歳からでも本当に自分がやりたいことを始められると信じていますし、それを体現する人たちにも出会ってきました。その一方で、やりたいことが見つかっても身体や頭が思うように動かなくて歯痒い思いをしておられる方たちにも出会ってきました。ですからできそうな習慣から今すぐに実践しようではありませんか。 さて毎月新月の日にこのコラムを更新させていただいてきました。文字や絵を使って創作することは幼い頃から好きで、こうして書き続ける機会を与えていただけたことに感謝しております。来年の春分を過ぎたら丸3年です。何事も3年続けるとやっとスタートラインに立てると思っていますので、まだまだこれからも書き続けさせていただきたいものです。
このコラムを通して心身の軸を整える必要性や重要性を理解していただく、というのがコンセプトではあるのですが、このコラムが何か本当にご自身がやりたかったことを始めるきっかけやそれを探求する後押しになれば…というのが私の本音です。ただ、前述したように何をするのであっても身体が基盤です。私はピラティスをはじめとする哲学の継続実践により心身の軸が安定し始めたからこそ、ようやく得られたものがたくさんあります。これには感謝しています。 スタジオレッスンに通う方々もまた、継続の力を感じてくださっています。通うことが無意識の儀式となり、心を安定させてもいます。まるでピラティスムーヴメントの8つの法則のうちの1つ「リズム」を体現するかのようです。私自身も生徒としてピラティスをする時間は欠かしません。身体を動かすこともそうですが、何か1つのことだけに集中する時間というものは非常に心に良く作用します。瞑想の基本にダーラナー(集中)があります。集中を獲得することによって本当に自分自身に静まることができます。ピラティスムーヴメントの8つの法則にも「集中」はあります。私はヨーガの瞑想の静に対し、ピラティスムーヴメントは動の瞑想であると感じています。動きの中に静があり、静の中にも動はある。そしてヨーガでもピラティスでも欠かせないのが調息、つまり呼吸法です。運動は苦手と思う方は、呼吸法だけでも実践されてみてください。呼吸筋群を動かし、内臓を活性化することで底力が湧いてきます。特別な呼吸法はいくつも存在しますが、私は生きとし生けるものへの慈愛の念、何か人知の及ばぬ大いなるものに生かさていることに感謝する時、呼吸が自然と整うように思います。

Hi, it's Ginger.

We've just had the winter solstice. From now on, the yin (cold energy) is going to be less and less towards the vernal equinox. In spring, just like ice melts by the increasing yang (warm energy), detoxification and excretion will begin inside of our bodies. Those of you who always have unpleasant symptoms or ill health during the change of winter to spring are better to start taking care of your bodies from now.
It is said that modern diseases are mainly caused by overeating and lack of exercises. Winter is the time when we have the strongest digestion power, but we, modern people are tend to weaken our digestion power by too much stress, overnutrition, or bad blood circulation caused by seeing too much blue light. No matter how wonderful the foods are, if you don't have a suitable digestion power, those foods become burdens on your body. I suggest you to try drinking some hot water and eating few slices of raw ginger with some rock salt, and try not to eat anything until you truly feel you are hungry. I also suggest you to do appropriate amount of exercises. Ayurvedic "appropriate amount" is that you slightly sweat and feel good with yourself. It's the best you feel like you can do more, and that's the key to continue a regular workout. And it's important that you are willing to do those exercises. Walking with a good posture, stretching your body whenever you feel like you should, and ten minutes deep breathing are effective enough as daily exercises. It's all about how much you can be conscious and creative, and that make a positive mind and you can change every action of your daily life into exercises.
I believe that people can start whatever they wish to do from any age, and I've met people who have been doing so. On the other hand, I've met people who did find what they really want to do, but faced to irritating facts that their bodies and heads are not capable enough to realise their wishes in their ideal styles. So why do we let ourselves start doing whatever we can do from this moment. I've been lucky enough to update this column every new moon day. As creating something with illustrations and writing is what I've been loving to do since my childhood, so I'm grateful to be given this opportunity to keep writing. After the verbal equinox, it'll be 3 years since my very first column. A 3-year continuation finally brings you to a starting point of whatever you are learning or doing is my own belief, so I wish to have many more years of writing.
The studio's original concept of this column is that the readers understand necessity and importance of conditioning both physical and mental centre of themselves through my columns. However, I also wish that my columns can make an opportunity to get start what you've been really wishing to do or give a approving push to find what you really wish to do. However, as I've written earlier, whatever you chose to do, your body is the base. I can say that I could finally obtained some things after my body and mind have become stabilised through continual practices of Pilates and other philosophies. And I'm very thankful for that. Our clients who regularly come to our studio lessons are also feeling the power of continue. Coming to lessons have become their unconscious rituals and they have been able to keep calm minds. It's just like they are realising "rhythm", one of the Pilates movement principles. I have also been taking Pilates lessons as a student. Moving my body is of course gives me a benefit, but also the time when I'm concentrating on one thing also gives me a great benefit on my mind. One of the basic preparation for a meditation is dharana, a concentration. By acquiring dharana, we can truly calm down. "Concentration" is also one of the Pilates movement principles. I personally feel like that Pilates is a meditation in motion as opposed to a still mediation of yoga. Stillness does exist within a motion and motion is in stillness. And either yoga or Pilates, breathing method is essential. If you are who feeling like you can't do any exercise, please do try a breathing method. By the breathing method, activate your respiratory muscles and revitalizing your internal organs can boost up your energy. There are many breathing methods in this world, but I feel like I can breath deeper and calmer naturally when I feel benevolence toward all living things in this universe and feel gratitude to something great which is beyond human understanding and by that I'm living here.
Thank you so much for reading my column this year again and I hope you find my columns next year too. I'm wishing you all a calm year-end and a New Year.

PROFILE : Ginger(じんじゃ~)

  • FTPマットピラティス 指導者
  • アーユルヴェーダ セルフケアアドヴァイザー
  • Physical Mind Institute 認定 Tye4® Mat/Standing 指導者
  • Body Code System認定 Master Stretch® 指導者(Level 1,2,3 + Bungie Tone)
  • BESJ認定 Dancers Movement Program 修了
  • 呼吸法と瞑想法(RYT500)コース 修了
  • ヨーガ哲学(RYT500)コース 修了
  • からだスキャン セルフマッサージ 指導者
  • 漢方・薬膳検定 保有
  • 英国にて衣装デザイナーの仕事をする中で身体表現者たちと関わり心身の不一致/一致への興味を深める。

    Instagram: @ginger_jinjya

    ヨガビオラトリコロール ホームページにてピラティスコラム「Art of Breathing(Ginger’s Pilates, Art, and Breathing for a happy life!)」を新月の日に更新中。