Hello everyone, it's Ginger.
Early morning air has been getting chilly these days. Since after autumnal equinox and the full moon of September, we have been having many rainy days in Japan. However I feel that each rain has washed off murky air and make the whole air around us clear and cool like crystal. The beauty of the moon on the clear night sky creates a stunning contract with the colours of autumn. Many of you might enjoy finding Venus, the evening star, during September.
I like full moon but I love the second night moon, the last quarter which rises up in the sky around midnight, and Izayoi, the sixteenth night moon. From ancient time in Japan, we have TSUKUYOMI. The deity rules night world and moon cycle, thus means TSUKUYOMI can reads calendar. That makes TSUKUYOMI the god of agriculture and fishery. At Kannamesai, an Imperial festival in autumn, we show our gratefulness to AMATERASU by offering the year's new rice harvest to her. TSUKUYOMI acts as an opposite to AMATERASU, the sun god who rules over the Plain of High Heaven.
Trough all time and places, the personification of the moon god is either male or female, however, TSUKUYOMI is said that he has both natures, a sort of androgynous. Artemis, a Greek goddess of moon, and Diāna, also a Roman goddess of moon are both female but interestingly enough, they are the masters of archery and there are some episodes to describe their mannish natures and their relations to death and the underworld. The ying and yang balance of the moon god casts his or her light on your unrecognised ability which you’ve already have inside of yourself.
“Inner ability” may sounds mysterious but we all have characteristic natures. At my Ayurveda workshop of last month, I asked my students to analyse their dosha balances. Most of their comments were that they thought they knew who they were but they didn't.
It is rare to have objective evaluation on yourselves, so it's quite natural to feel that you don't know yourself at all. Also when the advices from others’ perspectives are very precise and get to the point which you've been keep avoiding to look at, you tend to cover up your ears and can't accept the facts meekly. Likewise, it's hard to see what's under your nose, you tend not to know your own strength, So only few people can acknowledge who they are and what they are like without any bias.
No matter how hard I try to move my bones and muscles to my teacher’s cuing, my movements are corrected by the teacher more or less. Some people can duplicate movements or choreography by one look of it. Those rare beings can control or maneuver their own bodies as tools. They can realise the movements by giving themselves correct cues based on the memories. Also those people have tractability, being free from assumptions.
Of corse most of us have built up habits in both our minds and bodies. So even if our minds really want to move our bodies to follow the teacher’s cue, most of the time our bodies can't coordinate with minds. One of the reasons of this is that the lack of balanced diet and physical maintenance. And another reason is that we can't move the tools if we don't know them properly.
I often begin my Pilates lesson by asking my clients to touch their major bones and muscles by their own hands. Most of them have heard of the sacrum or the ischial tuberosity (the sitz bone), but not quite sure where those bones are located. Especially when I ask them to touch their sitting bones, some touch around iliac bones, or SI joint (sacroiliac joint), and others touch around lower back or lumbosacral joint. It is essential to recognise their “tools” correctly before they start concentrating on their breathings and physical movements.
Through Pilates movements, the clients start to understand their own design drawings and operating procedures little by little. And also they start to get rid of unnecessary things such as fat, muscle stiffness, strain of body and habits. And they start to take in what they need. Such as air, water, nutritions, positive words and facial expressions…. (countless!) to use their bodies more efficiency and economically.
So please make the most of this chance to receive happiness by keeping up your healthy body and mind.
Then pay it forward. That's one of the purposes of Pilates and Ayurveda.
September full moon was cloudy in Osaka, so let's pray for clear sky on the 21st of October to celebrate Jyūsanya, thirteenth moon.
It’ll be nice to enjoy Otsukimi, moon viewing, but also I suggest to sit down on your own quietly under the moon light to enjoy holding discussion with yourself or breathings. Because our bodies and minds are the same as the moon which keep changing its shapes and sizes...
Farewell till next time.
ワークショップ シリーズ
『たかめていく氣と血のめぐり ~ピラティスとアーユルヴェーダができること~』
全4回 + 特別講座
第一回 秋編 | <終了しました> 日 程2018年9月9日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 本町スタジオ | テーマ:血 血のめぐりと質を高めるアーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
特別講座 冬編 | 日 程2018年11月4日(日) 時 間10:30〜13:30 / 15:30〜18:30 大阪 刻屋 | 特別講座 冬編 テーマ:生命力 女性力を高めるアーユルヴェーダ式食養生とピラティス AyamiとGinger →詳しくはこちら |
第二回 春編 | 日 程2018年12月23日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 本町スタジオ | テーマ:膣粘膜 粘膜を強化して女性力を高めていくアーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
特別講座 春分編 | 日 程2019年2月17日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 大阪スタジオ | 特別講座 春分編 テーマ:睡眠 睡眠の力を知る アーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
特別講座 梅雨編 | 日 程2019年4月29日(月・祝) 時 間10:30〜13:30 / 15:30〜18:30 大阪 刻屋 | 特別講座 梅雨編 テーマ:冷え 女性力を高めるアーユルヴェーダ式食養生とピラティス AyamiとGinger →詳しくはこちら |
第三回 梅雨編 | 日 程2019年5月12日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 本町スタジオ | テーマ:女性ホルモン ホルモンを安定させる冷え取りアーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
第四回 夏編 | 日 程2018年6月9日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 本町スタジオ | テーマ:膣ケア 女性器のケアと向き合う アーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
PROFILE : Ginger(じんじゃ~)
Instagram: @ginger_jinjya
HP: http://junkoginger.blogspot.jp