*English follows Japanese*
自らの持つ執着や所有欲と向き合うことは勇氣のいることですが、自分自身を幸福にするのは物ではないのだと思い出せれば、自分自身の軸を鍛錬すること以外はすべてがさして重要ではないことに氣がつきます。そして同時にすべてが自分にとっての稽古となるということにも氣がつくのです。そうするとこの世の事象のすべてに感謝をおくりたくなります。 携帯電話から顔を上げ、胸を起こして下腹に力を感じる。ふぅ〜っと肩の力を抜いて心を丹田に静める。こんな当たり前のことを忘れている現代人は、自己治癒力を弱めているばかりか不和を察知する感覚すら薄れさせているように思います。他人との心地よい距離感、当たり前の心遣いを忘れず、利他の心を常に持ちたいものです。
Hello, it’s Ginger.
In the so-called “the cycle of three cold days and four warm days”, I’ve been feeling a gentle approach of spring. The vernal equinox is the switching point of yin-yang energies of the universe and also it’s the beginning of the new cycle of the stars and planets.
Before the equinox, some of you might had felt like starring something new, rearranging works and human relationships, or cleaning things up deeply. And I wonder many of you might had felt the changing of the tide against your wills, such as changing your routines and old habits completely (or you had no choice but to do so).
I think we can make the turning point beneficial and happy by going with the stream, not being flowed. So it’s ideal to have each of our own principle. Coming of spring is always exciting, but this year, under the influence of COVID-19, we all are refrain from going out. Even though we all know that it’s important to prevent the spread of infections, we are all feeling a bit frustrating. Being feared or losing calmness causes immunodepletion. I believe straightening my back and being calm can bring plesant atmosphere to others during the time like this.
Through the chain of events about the virus, I feel like we are all made to reflect on our own conducts. What we can trust now is our own calmness. By observing and sensing ourselves and the circumstances, we need to make decisions which seemed the best at each occasion.
In Ayurveda, it is said that if you wish to make others happy, make yourself happy first. We can only make others and the society happy only when each of us is happy.
Health is the same. As I’ve been writing in this series of columns, body and mind are a set of wheels and the balance won’t be maintained even if just one of the wheels works fine and the another doesn’t. What builds up the body-mind health is, I believe in facing to both him/herself and others dispassionately, accepting the diversity, and having benevolence in actions. We, people in the modern era who are used to convenience and fast information transmission system are inpatient. We tend to expect that someone will give us an answers (and of course, very quickly) for our questions. However, no matter how much we increase our knowledge, wisdom is hard to gain. To gain wisdom, it’s better to cast off our assumptions, prejudices, and excessive knowledge rather than adding something more. And then we need to make the most of what we’ve already have. We are getting our priorities wrong, that we become ignorant by being swayed by information or become insensible by cling to knowledge, that we want to acquire health and happiness.
To face to own attachment and desire for possessions needs courage, but only if we can remember that things won’t make us happy, we realise that nothing is important than having each of our principle. And at the same time, we realise that every thing around us can train us. Then we naturally become to wish expressing gratitude to every phenomenon in this world. Looking up from your mobile phone and lift your chest up, feel your strength in the lower abdomen. Exhale to relax and calm your mind down onto the Dantian, or the energy centre. Today, people who are forgetting such ordinary things are not only losing their natural healing power, but also losing feeling to detect discordance. I wish we all can keep good senses to know the right timing and distance to each other, and not to forget common consideration to others, and be altruistic.
The bitter taste of the seasonal wild vegetables helps detoxifying our bodies and cleansing our blood. Let’s feel the slow transition of early spring to spring and enjoy the blessings from nature. By cherishing sprouting greens and flowers, enjoying the colour of the sky and scent of the wind, vibrate our five senses now and here. The way of living to pay respect to nature is the prayer to all living things.
I’m wishing the best to us. Bye till next time.
PROFILE : Ginger(じんじゃ~)FTPマットピラティス 指導者
アーユルヴェーダ セルフケアアドヴァイザー
Physical Mind Institute 認定 Tye4® Mat/Standing 指導者
Body Code System認定 Master Stretch® 指導者(Level 1,2,3 + Bungie Tone)
BESJ認定 Dancers Movement Program 修了
呼吸法と瞑想法(RYT500)コース 修了
ヨーガ哲学(RYT500)コース 修了
からだスキャン セルフマッサージ 指導者
漢方・薬膳検定 保有
Instagram: @ginger_jinjya
ヨガビオラトリコロール ホームページにてピラティスコラム「Art of Breathing(Ginger’s Pilates, Art, and Breathing for a happy life!)」を新月の日に更新中。
自らの持つ執着や所有欲と向き合うことは勇氣のいることですが、自分自身を幸福にするのは物ではないのだと思い出せれば、自分自身の軸を鍛錬すること以外はすべてがさして重要ではないことに氣がつきます。そして同時にすべてが自分にとっての稽古となるということにも氣がつくのです。そうするとこの世の事象のすべてに感謝をおくりたくなります。 携帯電話から顔を上げ、胸を起こして下腹に力を感じる。ふぅ〜っと肩の力を抜いて心を丹田に静める。こんな当たり前のことを忘れている現代人は、自己治癒力を弱めているばかりか不和を察知する感覚すら薄れさせているように思います。他人との心地よい距離感、当たり前の心遣いを忘れず、利他の心を常に持ちたいものです。
Hello, it’s Ginger.
In the so-called “the cycle of three cold days and four warm days”, I’ve been feeling a gentle approach of spring. The vernal equinox is the switching point of yin-yang energies of the universe and also it’s the beginning of the new cycle of the stars and planets.
Before the equinox, some of you might had felt like starring something new, rearranging works and human relationships, or cleaning things up deeply. And I wonder many of you might had felt the changing of the tide against your wills, such as changing your routines and old habits completely (or you had no choice but to do so).
I think we can make the turning point beneficial and happy by going with the stream, not being flowed. So it’s ideal to have each of our own principle. Coming of spring is always exciting, but this year, under the influence of COVID-19, we all are refrain from going out. Even though we all know that it’s important to prevent the spread of infections, we are all feeling a bit frustrating. Being feared or losing calmness causes immunodepletion. I believe straightening my back and being calm can bring plesant atmosphere to others during the time like this.
Through the chain of events about the virus, I feel like we are all made to reflect on our own conducts. What we can trust now is our own calmness. By observing and sensing ourselves and the circumstances, we need to make decisions which seemed the best at each occasion.
In Ayurveda, it is said that if you wish to make others happy, make yourself happy first. We can only make others and the society happy only when each of us is happy.
Health is the same. As I’ve been writing in this series of columns, body and mind are a set of wheels and the balance won’t be maintained even if just one of the wheels works fine and the another doesn’t. What builds up the body-mind health is, I believe in facing to both him/herself and others dispassionately, accepting the diversity, and having benevolence in actions. We, people in the modern era who are used to convenience and fast information transmission system are inpatient. We tend to expect that someone will give us an answers (and of course, very quickly) for our questions. However, no matter how much we increase our knowledge, wisdom is hard to gain. To gain wisdom, it’s better to cast off our assumptions, prejudices, and excessive knowledge rather than adding something more. And then we need to make the most of what we’ve already have. We are getting our priorities wrong, that we become ignorant by being swayed by information or become insensible by cling to knowledge, that we want to acquire health and happiness.
To face to own attachment and desire for possessions needs courage, but only if we can remember that things won’t make us happy, we realise that nothing is important than having each of our principle. And at the same time, we realise that every thing around us can train us. Then we naturally become to wish expressing gratitude to every phenomenon in this world. Looking up from your mobile phone and lift your chest up, feel your strength in the lower abdomen. Exhale to relax and calm your mind down onto the Dantian, or the energy centre. Today, people who are forgetting such ordinary things are not only losing their natural healing power, but also losing feeling to detect discordance. I wish we all can keep good senses to know the right timing and distance to each other, and not to forget common consideration to others, and be altruistic.
The bitter taste of the seasonal wild vegetables helps detoxifying our bodies and cleansing our blood. Let’s feel the slow transition of early spring to spring and enjoy the blessings from nature. By cherishing sprouting greens and flowers, enjoying the colour of the sky and scent of the wind, vibrate our five senses now and here. The way of living to pay respect to nature is the prayer to all living things.
I’m wishing the best to us. Bye till next time.
PROFILE : Ginger(じんじゃ~)
Instagram: @ginger_jinjya
ヨガビオラトリコロール ホームページにてピラティスコラム「Art of Breathing(Ginger’s Pilates, Art, and Breathing for a happy life!)」を新月の日に更新中。