*English follows Japanese*
はじめの1年は酷いものでした。海外生活から戻ったばかりで、しかも幼い頃から協調性ゼロの私が常連さんだらけのグループレッスンを受けるのですから、ピラティスを学ぶ以前に問題があり過ぎました。心身がバラバラの状態でのピラティスは当然代償動作だらけでした。理想的とは言えない状況と環境にも関わらずそれでも往復4時間以上をかけてスタジオに通ったのは、自分を変えたかったからです。そして1年目が終わる頃にはピラティスを生き方、ライフワークにしたいと思うようになりました。 2年目になってようやく『何をどう改善するべきか』が分かりはじめました。その頃はほんの少しずつピラティスの指導を始めていました。指導者としての未熟さを噛みしめつつも、『自分のため』が『他人のため』に変わり始めた頃でした。
ヨーガは敬愛できる先生に出逢うことができました。ここ数年はプラクティスがなかなかできていませんが、哲学の勉強や呼吸法と瞑想法は可能な限り続けています。その先生と最近お話をする機会があり、プラクティス不足を嘆く私に、今私がやっているお稽古が私にとってのヨーガだから大丈夫と言っていただけた時はとても嬉しかったです。 身体と心に真剣に向き合うことを継続し、8年目に突入した今。恵まれた環境に感謝をし、私は全てをこの道に捧げています。不器用な私はそれしか手段が無いからです。アーユルヴェーダは私を大きく助けてくれています。個人的見解ですが、何事もとにかく3年は続けると別人レベルで人は変われると、自らの心身と指導の現場の経験から言えます。
Hello, it’s Ginger.
I’ve been feeling brilliant early summer sunshine lately.
This heat seems suitable for us to bring back the sense of daily life after the time of beginning of a new life or a very long holiday of this year in Japan.
I’m going to write about an attitude for life this month.
I’ve written about this many times before, but I met the Pilates method for the first time in April, 2012.
To change my stiff and discorded body and mind, I’ve started to go to a group Pilates mat class once a week, and also became a student of the Pilates teachers training course to learn from the theory. I didn’t intend to become a teacher at that time, and above all, no one could ever imagine that I’d be a Pilates teacher one day. The first year was terrible. I was just back home from UK and I’ve never been good at being cooperative, however, I had to join a group class which was full of regular students. So I had too many problems before I learn a new thing. I was doing Pilates with inconsistent body and mind, so my Pilates movements were full of trick motions. However, even though my circumstance wasn’t so ideal, I kept going to the class every week by spending more than four hours on my way and back.
That’s because I wanted to change myself.
By the time the first year has passed, I became to wish that I’ll do Pilates as my style of living, or my lifework.
During my second year of practicing Pilates method, I began to be able to know “what to correct and how to do so”. I was slowly starting to teach Pilates at that time. I was acutely aware of my lack of teaching skill but my motivation of doing Pilates was beginning to change from “for myself” to “for others”.
Also I learnt the existence of Pilates apparatus equipment, so I started to take lessons of Pilates reformer and other equipments as much as possible while I kept practicing the mat Pilates.
In my third year of practice, my body and mind have started to be in a good condition, but my teaching skill seemed to be just hitting a standard.
By the mid of my fourth year, I began to find my own style of teaching. And I have started to learn Ayurveda too. I continued to devote myself in practical learnings of Pilates and Ayurveda since then and three years have passed in a blink of an eye. Now I’ve been practicing a method which can help harmonising my body and mind with the rhythm of heaven and earth for the last two and a half years. I have to defy myself to change my subconscious throughly by getting rid of my selfish assumptions as a safety net, otherwise no matter how many years I’ll practice, I would never be able to change my body and mind more than this. So I am very grateful to my practice days which let myself face to my own immatureness.
Many of my teachers tell me that my body can move too much, so first of all, use my mind accurately than body. Stay calm and do not rush or strain my body. Keep my breathing and posture stable with a calm mind like a placid water surface. And move gracefully.
So many times I’ve been told the same things but I’ve never wanted to give up my practice. That’s because I believe this is my path.
As for yoga, I’ve met a teacher I can respect from my heart. Though I haven’t been able to practice for the last few years, I’ve been teaching myself yoga philosophy and practicing breathings and meditation as much as possible. Lately I had a chance to speak with my teacher. I was sorry for my absence of her class, but she said that what I practice now IS my yoga, so it’s fine not to be able to come to her class. Her words meant a lot to me. It’s my eighth year of facing with my body and mind sincerely. I’m grateful to my circumstance and I’ve been devoting myself fully on this path. Because I know I’m not clever enough to take it easy. Ayurveda helps my practice days greatly. From my experience of teaching and learning, I personally believe that three years can change a person into almost a different person.
For me, the first three years of practicing both Pilates and Ayurveda were for my body and mind. After the forth year, I have a feeling of my learning has went deeper down to the roots of my motives.
My teaching skill is far away from my ideal and I’ve never had a confidence. This confession might sound rude to my clients, but I’ve been having a strong belief. If I ever neglect it, that means it’s the time I should quit being a teacher. I am a lucky one who’s been trained by my clients, so I’d like to be honest and sincere as a teacher. Every day, l try keep my mind calm and relax my body, then fill my soul with joy. I know I’m not perfect but I’ll continue my practice because that’s a part of my joy.
It’s the beginning of the rainy season, I wish you all beautiful days. Bye till next month.
ワークショップ シリーズ
『たかめていく氣と血のめぐり ~ピラティスとアーユルヴェーダができること~』
全4回 + 特別講座
PROFILE : Ginger(じんじゃ~)アーティスト
FTPマットピラティス 指導者
Physical Mind Institute 認定 Tye4® Mat/Standing 指導者
Body Code System認定 Master Stretch® 指導者(Level 1,2,3 + Bungie Tone)
BESJ認定 Dancers Movement Program 修了
呼吸法と瞑想法(RYT500)コース 修了
からだスキャン セルフマッサージ 指導者
アーユルヴェーダ セルフケアアドヴァイザー
漢方・薬膳検定 保有
英語でのレッスンや海外講師の通訳、人体経絡図の挿絵、アロマ精油の活用、身体/エネルギー表現撮影など、様々な視点を提案し続けている。 Instagram: @ginger_jinjya
HP: http://junkoginger.blogspot.jp
はじめの1年は酷いものでした。海外生活から戻ったばかりで、しかも幼い頃から協調性ゼロの私が常連さんだらけのグループレッスンを受けるのですから、ピラティスを学ぶ以前に問題があり過ぎました。心身がバラバラの状態でのピラティスは当然代償動作だらけでした。理想的とは言えない状況と環境にも関わらずそれでも往復4時間以上をかけてスタジオに通ったのは、自分を変えたかったからです。そして1年目が終わる頃にはピラティスを生き方、ライフワークにしたいと思うようになりました。 2年目になってようやく『何をどう改善するべきか』が分かりはじめました。その頃はほんの少しずつピラティスの指導を始めていました。指導者としての未熟さを噛みしめつつも、『自分のため』が『他人のため』に変わり始めた頃でした。
ヨーガは敬愛できる先生に出逢うことができました。ここ数年はプラクティスがなかなかできていませんが、哲学の勉強や呼吸法と瞑想法は可能な限り続けています。その先生と最近お話をする機会があり、プラクティス不足を嘆く私に、今私がやっているお稽古が私にとってのヨーガだから大丈夫と言っていただけた時はとても嬉しかったです。 身体と心に真剣に向き合うことを継続し、8年目に突入した今。恵まれた環境に感謝をし、私は全てをこの道に捧げています。不器用な私はそれしか手段が無いからです。アーユルヴェーダは私を大きく助けてくれています。個人的見解ですが、何事もとにかく3年は続けると別人レベルで人は変われると、自らの心身と指導の現場の経験から言えます。
Hello, it’s Ginger.
I’ve been feeling brilliant early summer sunshine lately.
This heat seems suitable for us to bring back the sense of daily life after the time of beginning of a new life or a very long holiday of this year in Japan.
I’m going to write about an attitude for life this month.
I’ve written about this many times before, but I met the Pilates method for the first time in April, 2012.
To change my stiff and discorded body and mind, I’ve started to go to a group Pilates mat class once a week, and also became a student of the Pilates teachers training course to learn from the theory. I didn’t intend to become a teacher at that time, and above all, no one could ever imagine that I’d be a Pilates teacher one day. The first year was terrible. I was just back home from UK and I’ve never been good at being cooperative, however, I had to join a group class which was full of regular students. So I had too many problems before I learn a new thing. I was doing Pilates with inconsistent body and mind, so my Pilates movements were full of trick motions. However, even though my circumstance wasn’t so ideal, I kept going to the class every week by spending more than four hours on my way and back.
That’s because I wanted to change myself.
By the time the first year has passed, I became to wish that I’ll do Pilates as my style of living, or my lifework.
During my second year of practicing Pilates method, I began to be able to know “what to correct and how to do so”. I was slowly starting to teach Pilates at that time. I was acutely aware of my lack of teaching skill but my motivation of doing Pilates was beginning to change from “for myself” to “for others”.
Also I learnt the existence of Pilates apparatus equipment, so I started to take lessons of Pilates reformer and other equipments as much as possible while I kept practicing the mat Pilates.
In my third year of practice, my body and mind have started to be in a good condition, but my teaching skill seemed to be just hitting a standard.
By the mid of my fourth year, I began to find my own style of teaching. And I have started to learn Ayurveda too. I continued to devote myself in practical learnings of Pilates and Ayurveda since then and three years have passed in a blink of an eye. Now I’ve been practicing a method which can help harmonising my body and mind with the rhythm of heaven and earth for the last two and a half years. I have to defy myself to change my subconscious throughly by getting rid of my selfish assumptions as a safety net, otherwise no matter how many years I’ll practice, I would never be able to change my body and mind more than this. So I am very grateful to my practice days which let myself face to my own immatureness.
Many of my teachers tell me that my body can move too much, so first of all, use my mind accurately than body. Stay calm and do not rush or strain my body. Keep my breathing and posture stable with a calm mind like a placid water surface. And move gracefully.
So many times I’ve been told the same things but I’ve never wanted to give up my practice. That’s because I believe this is my path.
As for yoga, I’ve met a teacher I can respect from my heart. Though I haven’t been able to practice for the last few years, I’ve been teaching myself yoga philosophy and practicing breathings and meditation as much as possible. Lately I had a chance to speak with my teacher. I was sorry for my absence of her class, but she said that what I practice now IS my yoga, so it’s fine not to be able to come to her class. Her words meant a lot to me. It’s my eighth year of facing with my body and mind sincerely. I’m grateful to my circumstance and I’ve been devoting myself fully on this path. Because I know I’m not clever enough to take it easy. Ayurveda helps my practice days greatly. From my experience of teaching and learning, I personally believe that three years can change a person into almost a different person.
For me, the first three years of practicing both Pilates and Ayurveda were for my body and mind. After the forth year, I have a feeling of my learning has went deeper down to the roots of my motives.
My teaching skill is far away from my ideal and I’ve never had a confidence. This confession might sound rude to my clients, but I’ve been having a strong belief. If I ever neglect it, that means it’s the time I should quit being a teacher. I am a lucky one who’s been trained by my clients, so I’d like to be honest and sincere as a teacher. Every day, l try keep my mind calm and relax my body, then fill my soul with joy. I know I’m not perfect but I’ll continue my practice because that’s a part of my joy.
It’s the beginning of the rainy season, I wish you all beautiful days. Bye till next month.
ワークショップ シリーズ
『たかめていく氣と血のめぐり ~ピラティスとアーユルヴェーダができること~』
全4回 + 特別講座
第一回 秋編 | <終了しました> 日 程2018年9月9日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 本町スタジオ | テーマ:血 血のめぐりと質を高めるアーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
特別講座 冬編 | <終了しました> 日 程2018年11月4日(日) 時 間10:30〜13:30 / 15:30〜18:30 大阪 刻屋 | 特別講座 冬編 テーマ:生命力 女性力を高めるアーユルヴェーダ式食養生とピラティス AyamiとGinger →詳しくはこちら |
第二回 春編 | <終了しました> 日 程2018年12月23日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 本町スタジオ | テーマ:膣粘膜 粘膜を強化して女性力を高めていくアーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
特別講座 春分編 | <終了しました> 日 程2019年2月17日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 大阪スタジオ | 特別講座 春分編 テーマ:睡眠 睡眠の力を知る アーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
特別講座 梅雨編 | <終了しました> 日 程2019年4月29日(月・祝) 時 間10:30〜13:30 / 15:30〜18:30 大阪 刻屋 | 特別講座 梅雨編 テーマ:冷え 女性力を高めるアーユルヴェーダ式食養生とピラティス AyamiとGinger →詳しくはこちら |
第三回 梅雨編 | <終了しました> 日 程2019年5月12日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 本町スタジオ | テーマ:女性ホルモン ホルモンを安定させる冷え取りアーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
第四回 夏編 | 日 程2019年6月9日(日) 時 間14:30〜17:30 本町スタジオ | テーマ:膣ケア 女性器のケアと向き合う アーユルヴェーダとピラティス →詳しくはこちら |
PROFILE : Ginger(じんじゃ~)
英語でのレッスンや海外講師の通訳、人体経絡図の挿絵、アロマ精油の活用、身体/エネルギー表現撮影など、様々な視点を提案し続けている。 Instagram: @ginger_jinjya
HP: http://junkoginger.blogspot.jp