*English follows Japanese*
その後も私がアーユルヴェーダとヨーガ哲学を学ぶにつれて、身体を神殿と化す考えがヨーガ哲学の基盤だと知り、私の実践が間違っていなかったことを知り嬉しくなりました。 ピラティスには特定の神様への信仰はありませんが、ピラティス氏は『ひとりひとりがそれぞれの幸せの建築家である』という言葉を残しています。 幸せとはなんでしょう?
母は今年65歳になりますが仕事も続けていますし、水泳と乗馬を習い、時々山登りと活動的。年々新たな目標もあるようです。家庭菜園の無農薬野菜を料理して、父といつも笑いながら暮らしています。今でも腰には大きな手術痕があり、筋肉の付きにくい母の身体には運動が欠かせません。手術の後遺症か、左半身は冷えやすく緊張しがちです。私は実家に帰ると母の腰と股関節の調整をさせてもらいます。私がピラティス指導者になった理由の一つには家族の身体への貢献があったので、今となってはなかなか頻繁に帰れないことにもどかしさを感じていますが、常に前向きな母に私の方が励まされています。 私がこのヨガヴィオラトリコロールで担当しているクラスには様々な年代の方々が通います。積極的にご自身の幸せを建築しているお姿に元氣をもらいます。
Hello, it’s Ginger.
The new moon which is the closest to the earth rises tonight. With the crescent moon, the first day of September will start. In autumn, we have many events which make us pray for nature such as full moon watching, ohigan, and autumn festivals. Every morning sky and night sky makes me want to put my palms together, but the autumn sky is something exclusive.
I went camping this summer by the Lake Biwa. At night, when only wind, water ripples and singing of insects were telling us how quiet the whole world was, I was enjoying a feeling of that my whole body was dissolving into the night darkness and thanking to the thousands of stars in the sky for being able to come to this place. Embraced with chilly pink and pale purple morning haze of the early morning, while I was watching the rising sun and its golden reflection on the lake surface, I felt an urge to show my gratitude to something great with my breathings and my whole body, so before I knew, I was doing Surya Namaskār to the rising sun. When we feel nature close to us, I believe we can physically understand that we’ve been watched over by this heaven and earth. And it’s an absolute happiness.
In India, people who know the effect of invisible force, completely trust the force, and can pray for it humbly and sincerely are called the wisest men.
It is said that India has more than 2000 gods. Japan also has a worship to Yaoyorozu gods (Yaoyorozu literary means eight hundred million, and it means tremendously many or uncountable numbers) . In Yoga philosophy, there’s many gods inside of our bodies too. When I began studying Ayurveda, my teacher told me that we should eat our meals as if we were dedicating sacred meals to the gods inside of us. So I decided to start conditioning my body as a temple for my gods. This idea is similar to the idea of Naohi in the ancient Shintoism. I’ve written about Rokkonshyoujyou in this column before. If you are interested in, please refer to my column No.16 (Japanese text only) and No.20.
As I’ve been continue learning Ayurveda and yoga philosophy since then, I learnt that the idea of making my body into a shrine or a temples itself is the base of the yoga philosophy too and that made me happy to know I’ve been on the right track. Pilates method doesn’t have a specific religious idol to worship but J.H.Pilates said “Everyone is the architect of their own happiness.” What is happiness?
My mother had an difficult operation of sliding disks when she was 19 years old.
Luckily her surgeon was one of the elites, but before the operation, she was told that she might not be able to give a birth to a baby in future even after her hernia was healed. However, she had three babies in the end, - one of them was a very tall and big baby weighed 4480g! - and the babies are now fully grown up.
My mother became 65 this year, but she’s still not retired and she actively goes to swimming and horseback riding classes, and goes to mountains for hiking every now and then. Every year she sets her new challenge too. She has her own vegetable garden to harvest organic vegetables and cook them for my father. They are always laughing and smiling at trivial things happens everyday. My mother’s lower back still has a long stitching scar from the operation. She’s not a type of person who can build up muscles, so a regular workout is necessary for her. Since after the surgery, her left side of the body tends to get cold and stiff. Whenever I visit my parents’ house, I do conditioning of my mother’s lower back and hip joints. One of the reasons I became a Pilates teacher was to be able to dedicate my skills to my family, but now I can’t visit them so often and I feel frustrated by myself. However, my mother never says negative things and she’s the one who cheers me up a lot. The clients in various ages come to my Pilates classes at Yoga Viola Tricolor, and I’m receiving energy from them who are actively designing and building up their own happinesses.
Becoming good at Pilates movements is not an aim they should have, but observing the qualities of the bodies and minds is. Then by conditioning those, their qualities of lives will be improved before they notice.
If you believe that the happiness is something outside of yourself now, please use your whole body and deepen your breath by Pilates or yoga, and feel the existence of this big universe.
Taste of coffee in the cool early morning at camping is my good memory of summer. I wish each life (or spirit) in every phenomenon such as calm wind of autumn, purifying rain, berries and fruits of trees, and the sound of rustling of leaves blesses you.
Bye till next column.
PROFILE : Ginger(じんじゃ~)FTPマットピラティス 指導者
アーユルヴェーダ セルフケアアドヴァイザー
Physical Mind Institute 認定 Tye4® Mat/Standing 指導者
Body Code System認定 Master Stretch® 指導者(Level 1,2,3 + Bungie Tone)
BESJ認定 Dancers Movement Program 修了
呼吸法と瞑想法(RYT500)コース 修了
ヨーガ哲学(RYT500)コース 修了
からだスキャン セルフマッサージ 指導者
漢方・薬膳検定 保有
Instagram: @ginger_jinjya
ヨガビオラトリコロール ホームページにてピラティスコラム「Art of Breathing(Ginger’s Pilates, Art, and Breathing for a happy life!)」を新月の日に更新中。
その後も私がアーユルヴェーダとヨーガ哲学を学ぶにつれて、身体を神殿と化す考えがヨーガ哲学の基盤だと知り、私の実践が間違っていなかったことを知り嬉しくなりました。 ピラティスには特定の神様への信仰はありませんが、ピラティス氏は『ひとりひとりがそれぞれの幸せの建築家である』という言葉を残しています。 幸せとはなんでしょう?
母は今年65歳になりますが仕事も続けていますし、水泳と乗馬を習い、時々山登りと活動的。年々新たな目標もあるようです。家庭菜園の無農薬野菜を料理して、父といつも笑いながら暮らしています。今でも腰には大きな手術痕があり、筋肉の付きにくい母の身体には運動が欠かせません。手術の後遺症か、左半身は冷えやすく緊張しがちです。私は実家に帰ると母の腰と股関節の調整をさせてもらいます。私がピラティス指導者になった理由の一つには家族の身体への貢献があったので、今となってはなかなか頻繁に帰れないことにもどかしさを感じていますが、常に前向きな母に私の方が励まされています。 私がこのヨガヴィオラトリコロールで担当しているクラスには様々な年代の方々が通います。積極的にご自身の幸せを建築しているお姿に元氣をもらいます。
Hello, it’s Ginger.
The new moon which is the closest to the earth rises tonight. With the crescent moon, the first day of September will start. In autumn, we have many events which make us pray for nature such as full moon watching, ohigan, and autumn festivals. Every morning sky and night sky makes me want to put my palms together, but the autumn sky is something exclusive.
I went camping this summer by the Lake Biwa. At night, when only wind, water ripples and singing of insects were telling us how quiet the whole world was, I was enjoying a feeling of that my whole body was dissolving into the night darkness and thanking to the thousands of stars in the sky for being able to come to this place. Embraced with chilly pink and pale purple morning haze of the early morning, while I was watching the rising sun and its golden reflection on the lake surface, I felt an urge to show my gratitude to something great with my breathings and my whole body, so before I knew, I was doing Surya Namaskār to the rising sun. When we feel nature close to us, I believe we can physically understand that we’ve been watched over by this heaven and earth. And it’s an absolute happiness.
In India, people who know the effect of invisible force, completely trust the force, and can pray for it humbly and sincerely are called the wisest men.
It is said that India has more than 2000 gods. Japan also has a worship to Yaoyorozu gods (Yaoyorozu literary means eight hundred million, and it means tremendously many or uncountable numbers) . In Yoga philosophy, there’s many gods inside of our bodies too. When I began studying Ayurveda, my teacher told me that we should eat our meals as if we were dedicating sacred meals to the gods inside of us. So I decided to start conditioning my body as a temple for my gods. This idea is similar to the idea of Naohi in the ancient Shintoism. I’ve written about Rokkonshyoujyou in this column before. If you are interested in, please refer to my column No.16 (Japanese text only) and No.20.
As I’ve been continue learning Ayurveda and yoga philosophy since then, I learnt that the idea of making my body into a shrine or a temples itself is the base of the yoga philosophy too and that made me happy to know I’ve been on the right track. Pilates method doesn’t have a specific religious idol to worship but J.H.Pilates said “Everyone is the architect of their own happiness.” What is happiness?
My mother had an difficult operation of sliding disks when she was 19 years old.
Luckily her surgeon was one of the elites, but before the operation, she was told that she might not be able to give a birth to a baby in future even after her hernia was healed. However, she had three babies in the end, - one of them was a very tall and big baby weighed 4480g! - and the babies are now fully grown up.
My mother became 65 this year, but she’s still not retired and she actively goes to swimming and horseback riding classes, and goes to mountains for hiking every now and then. Every year she sets her new challenge too. She has her own vegetable garden to harvest organic vegetables and cook them for my father. They are always laughing and smiling at trivial things happens everyday. My mother’s lower back still has a long stitching scar from the operation. She’s not a type of person who can build up muscles, so a regular workout is necessary for her. Since after the surgery, her left side of the body tends to get cold and stiff. Whenever I visit my parents’ house, I do conditioning of my mother’s lower back and hip joints. One of the reasons I became a Pilates teacher was to be able to dedicate my skills to my family, but now I can’t visit them so often and I feel frustrated by myself. However, my mother never says negative things and she’s the one who cheers me up a lot. The clients in various ages come to my Pilates classes at Yoga Viola Tricolor, and I’m receiving energy from them who are actively designing and building up their own happinesses.
Becoming good at Pilates movements is not an aim they should have, but observing the qualities of the bodies and minds is. Then by conditioning those, their qualities of lives will be improved before they notice.
If you believe that the happiness is something outside of yourself now, please use your whole body and deepen your breath by Pilates or yoga, and feel the existence of this big universe.
Taste of coffee in the cool early morning at camping is my good memory of summer. I wish each life (or spirit) in every phenomenon such as calm wind of autumn, purifying rain, berries and fruits of trees, and the sound of rustling of leaves blesses you.
Bye till next column.
Gingerと学ぶAyurveda 『かんじるからだ』
日 程2019年9月22日(日) 時 間14:45~17:45(3時間) 場 所大阪本町スタジオ | ※実践が多めの内容です テーマ1:アーユルヴェーダの基礎 ・アーユルヴェーダとは? ・体質、メンタルドーシャ、ボディリードーシャ自分の体質はどれだろう?(実践) 等 テーマ2:アーユルヴェーダの食 ・アグニとアーマ 消化力と未消化物について ・アーマ蓄積度チェック(実践) 等 テーマ3:アーユルヴェーダの医哲学 ・アーユルヴェーダの奥深さ ・氣をかんじよう 氣 呼吸法(実践) 等 →詳しくはこちら |
Gingerと学ぶAyurveda 『つながるこころ』武術とヨガ哲学〜日常生活への活かし方〜
日 程2019年12月1日(日) 時 間14:45~17:45(3時間) 場 所大阪本町スタジオ | ※実践ワーク例 ・呼吸法 ・リラックスした身体と心の強さ ・間合い ・礼 ・氣息一致 ・ヨーガのアーサナ、ピラティスムーヴメントに活かすには? →詳しくはこちら |
PROFILE : Ginger(じんじゃ~)
Instagram: @ginger_jinjya
ヨガビオラトリコロール ホームページにてピラティスコラム「Art of Breathing(Ginger’s Pilates, Art, and Breathing for a happy life!)」を新月の日に更新中。