ピラティスやヨーガ、そしてマインドフルネス瞑想が年々注目を集め続けている理由は、身体と心の健康は深くつながっているということを私たちが本能的に知っているからだと思います。レッスンを継続して心身の軸を強化することや、前向きであることは健全な自己肯定感を持つ助けとなります。このように心身の健康年齢は自分でつくるものです。では何のための健康な心身なのか?それは次回のコラムで書きたいと思います。 ではまた次回のコラムにて、またはレッスンにてお会いいたしましょう。
It’s my very first column of 2020. And this year‘s my first mat Pilates class of the Yoga Viola Tricolor was at Senri-Chuou studio. My clients made me feel energetic by showing me their energy even after a little holiday. Many of them were saying that they weren’t doing any exercise while this New Year’s holiday, but they could concentrate on the class greatly and had enough energy to keep up with, so I was very impressed by them all.
Some of the regular clients who’s been coming to the studio for many years know that physical fatigues are cured a lot more by resting their bodies and minds after some proper exercises than without any exercise. Moreover, by making a habit of regular workouts, they have been leaning that their bodies of course become healthier, but also their minds do. Keeping those positive attitudes is what I truly want to teach my clients to do through Pilates, and being able to see my clients’ learning results is the greatest reward to me as a teacher.
It was 2015 when my very first regular mat Pilates class has started at the Senri-Chuou studio of the Yoga Viola Tricolor. Since then, I’ve been seeing my clients who have been carrying fresh and happy vibes. What’s the source of those energy? One word comes up in my mind by looking at my clients is “positive”. Coming to our studios regularly is already a positive action in the first place anyways.
Let’s think about it this way for example, an average drop-in lesson ticket price is about 3,000 yen. You can easily spend that 3,000 yen on something delicious to cheer your mind and body up while you are watching a movie or something at home after an totally exhausting working day. On the other hand, you can spend the same amount of money on a lesson to release tightness of your body and mind before you go home and have a hot bath, eat something warm and sleep soundly. The time you’d spend in total on either option would be about the same. Both of the options have the same intention that making yourself pleased, so I think there is no good or bad whichever you choose as long as you feel happy at the end of the day. However, some people who chose the former option won’t think they gave themselves some good rest but they spoiled themselves and being lazy. Guilt feelings are distractive and unhealthy. Not only stressing your mind and body up, but also imprinting the worst self-evaluation : “I’m useless.” on your subconscious.
Does any one who’s never felt stress in his/her life before? Even if you’ve never considered it so, lacking of sleep and the opposite of it, even overeating are stress. There is already an environment full of stress around you, so there is no good reason to create more by yourself. Giving yourself no stress doesn’t mean you are allowed to spoil yourself. It’s that you don’t use other people’s senses of values to give judgements on your actions, which you decided to do by yourself. When you are losing your own mental axis is when you are following other people’s values and evaluations.
The reason why Pilate and yoga, and mind-fullness are becoming more popular year after year is we all recognised instinctually that our bodies and minds are deeply connected to each other. By taking lessons to strengthen body and mind axis, or being positive help having healthy self-esteem. Thus your own healthy age of body and mind is built up by yourself. Then why do you need to keep maintaining your health? I’d like to write about it on my next column. Bye till then, or I’ll see you in my next lesson.
PROFILE : Ginger(じんじゃ~)
Instagram: @ginger_jinjya
ヨガビオラトリコロール ホームページにてピラティスコラム「Art of Breathing(Ginger’s Pilates, Art, and Breathing for a happy life!)」を新月の日に更新中。